New Look for Audiogon hard to work with

Is there a way to undo the "tile" look? It was a lot easier to work with the text list. 
New UI has so much wasted real estate with superfluous keyhole photos. I simply cannot use the site effectively anymore on my mobile device. Who the hell is in charge of this?
yes it's getting worst and worst each time.. 
it's not useful at all, and more bugs.. i can't look into the "more items from this seller" 
what a ridicules update.
Is this really going to be the new website? I hope that A'Gon is still in the process of updating and they haven't finished yet. I went to do a search on a manufacturer and all I got back was little pictures. Please bring back all the features of the old site.
This is not an an improvement!
Awful to navigate. A total waste of time.
Go back to the original.
I agree.  This is not an improvement.  Not sure how to search by brand. In addition it looks like too many people listing music as equipment.