Recommended phono stage to go with McIntosh


Looking into upgrading a few elements in my system and would like to hear everyone’s comments/suggestions on how to best move forward. System looks like this:

Piega C10 Ltds speakers
McIntosh Mc402 amp. Possibly adding an extra to run mono as the Piegas like their juice.
McIntosh C2200 preamp
Technics 1200 GR turntable with stock arm
Lehmannaudio Black Cube 2
Carts are MoFi Master Tracker and Vasari Gold Note
Chords are Audience and Shunyata

Upgrading the phono stage, arm and carts at some time. I only have MM carts now. McIntosh does have a recently introduced phono stage, not sure how good it is. Budget for the phono stage is $3000?

Your thoughts suggestions on how to move forward. Thanks!
After trying out a budget phono stage that wasn't up to the rest of my system, I traded it in to upgrade to a Luxman E-250. The Luxman retails for $2300, so it is within your budget. The Luxman took a couple weeks of intense break-in to really open up.  In fact its sound developed so demonstrably that I had to change footers once it's high end and soundstage opened up.  Been buying vinyl again.  Great detail but with a smoothness of texture.  Enjoying Supertramp as I write this.

One interesting feature for MC cartridge users is the "Articulator" which after switching on for about 30 seconds, demagnetizes the coils in the cartridge.  It does open up the high end and yield more dynamic jump to the sound.  Cool.
@knollbrent IMO, the Herron VTPH-2a does not sound like tubes nor does it sound like solid state.  To my ears, it does not have a signature of its own.  To draw a parallel, Those that go with a system of all ARC components end up with all tubes.  
Excellent @hifiman5  I'm sure Supertramp sounds fantastic! Which album? I'm listening to Willie Nelson's " To all the Girls" and it sounds glorious from the dining room table. I'll look into the Luxman. Thanks 
You could check with Audio Classics to see what they have in McIntosh phono stages.  Synergy is everything.
Your C2200 has a Sidney Corderman designed phono preamp. You may want to try a little Tube rolling for the internal phono preamp in combination with a step up transformer for use with your moving coil cartridges. I have the MA2275 integrated which has a similar phono preamp circuit and have had excellent luck using Sovetek 12ax7lps’s in conjunction with British Mullard CV4024’s (in the 12at7 positions ) in the phono positions and Russian long plate  Mullard 12ax7’s for the tone amp. For moving coils ( primarily Denon Dl103 and GAS Sleeping Beauty/Coral , hows that for an oldie ?) I have the Denon AU320 trans former. Cost will be significantly lower than anything else recommended so far and it really sounds quite good ( to my ear anyway).