Your Favorate JBL's from the 70's

My first pr of JBL's where L26 then L110 and finally L220.
I was 17 when my mother purchased the L220's for me.I must say the police where called several times for load music and for my Mother I'm sorry for
all the problems caused by me and these concert hall spkr's.
What's is your story?
Have an Original pair ( bought new 1971 ) JBL 200 Studio Masters ...Look just as good today as the day they were delivered........
Funny, I'm not sure I have enjoyed anymore than tose early years with my L19s and my NAD.
This is a great thread that brings back wonderful memories. I grew up in a house with JBL Paragons. My dad had them from 1956 to 2004, when he died. Amazing old school sound--Sinatra and Nat King Cole sounded great on those.

My dad knew JB and I got a pair of JBL Pro Studios, custom made, in 1979 as a college graduation gift. They were awesome paired with an old Dynaco amp. Every ten years I could send them in for reconditioning--no questions asked.
They really rocked in their day. I gave them to a brother a few years back and they still shine.
I loved my L100s. Sometimes I wish I still had them around just to relive some great moments.
MY KIND OF THREAD. First heard JBL's L-26,L-36, L-100's around 1974 or so as a teenager, played mostly on Marantz equipment with Techniques direct drive tables at an audio shop in erie pa.. (heard DSOM many times on these) One day I walked into the shop and they had a pair of L-200's hooked up playing the Eagles at a fairly low volume... one minute when no one was looking.. I turned it up and they exploded with such force and impact it literly scared me! a couple years after that really liked the sound of the L-112's I used to hear playing at Tower Records in NYC on 4th st/Broadway.
Nowadays: Yes I have a pair of restored L-200's and a pair of L-166 Horizons rebuilt and renewed.. a love/hate relationship as I have other much better loudspeakers but still enjoy the JBL's for what they are.
Anybody have the 3-way Aquarius?? always wondered what they sounded like.