Your Favorate JBL's from the 70's

My first pr of JBL's where L26 then L110 and finally L220.
I was 17 when my mother purchased the L220's for me.I must say the police where called several times for load music and for my Mother I'm sorry for
all the problems caused by me and these concert hall spkr's.
What's is your story?
I grew up in the 1970's listening to rock on JBL Century 100's driven by a Dynaco amp/preamp. We had them up against a big stone wall. Incredible bass! I didn't think anything could ever sound better than that. We still have those L100's in the same position at my father's house. The bass still sounds strong. But otherwise the sound is no where near modern audiophile speakers. They don't image at all. The drivers are poorly integrated. The frequency response is all over the place and you can hear the cross-overs. The midrange is very colored. The tweeters sound harsh and are poorly resolving. But those L100's went along just fine with the stuff we used to smoke back then!
When I was 21, 1976 my boyfriend and I bought 2 sets of JBL L166. We had a Pioneer receiver and all four speakers wired up for "quadri-phonic" sound. We must have listened to Dark Side of the Moon until the record wore out. I have coddled them and enjoyed them for over 30 years - dutifully oiling the wood, careful not to scratch them - like a musical instrument. They are in fabulous condition and made beautiful music until about a year ago when the foam surrounding the woofers just disintegrated like moth wings. Alas, I feel like a piece of my youth has gone just the same.... these speakers are way, way to heavy and awkward for me to lift and move anymore, but they are beautiful and could still make great music.... Funny how in a way the speakers have held up better than I have - with repair and care they'd no doubt they'd be good for another 30 years.
Around 1977 I had a pair of JBL Jubal speakers, but since it was the 70's I can't remember the model number.Can anyone help? I do remember they had a 12 bass, a mid and a prism like glass tweeter, and besides the excellent cabinet, they had smoked glass tops.The sound thru a Pioneer receiver and Dual turntable was pretty hi end for me and my friends in those days.I remember what replaced this set up - Dynaco 70, Pas 3 and original Rogers LS3/5A,after that it's been quite the ride to present system of Cary 300sei, Shunyata wires and power condionong, balanced power, 30 amp runs and Heron I speakers.I am not getting off the merry go round, I enjoy it.
L150s, although, early eighties.. got them in Okinawa at a sight and sound sale for the military. Mated them with a class a yamaha amp, onkyo preamp and denon turntable with ortofon mc20 cartridge, I kicked a@@ on everybody in the barracks!