Mundorf MKP Audiophiler or ClarityCap ESA ?

hi to all :) , 
i must replace electrolytic cap in my crossover.
for midbudget polypropylene caps i've thought to :

- mundorf mkp audiophiler  
- claritycap ESA

opinions abut them?

thank you
Sorry, not trying to offend, but In my experience AudioCap Theta are bright sounding and they lean thin and are not the last word in transparency.
I can only suggest that you do some comparisons. I personally prefer any Clarity or Mundorf to these.... Of course, its only an opinion and based upon my own designs.  
@timlub Thetas have historically been described as dense, rich, and more laid back than other film/foil capacitors yet are very detailed. This matches my own experience. I’ve been using them for the past 20 years in various projects.

If they sound thin and bright in your system, it must be poor synergy. But I’m pretty sure it’s not the Theta’s fault. 
Hi invictus005, 
    Well,  I've been building 35 years and they have not been in my current system,  but again,  its only an opinion, I could be the only one …. and I've use hundreds of different caps,so I could have a shady memory on the caps, as in maybe a different Audiocap model, but I recall them being  yellow with red writing,  I bought a slew of them at the time and ended up trading them off. I recall them as being Theta's. 
i think that mundorf is the most over rated and over priced caps in the world.
I just ran across this guy that has tested a hundred or so different caps extensively.  Not sure how good his ears are, but he goes into a lot of detail about different caps.  I must say that after Invictus being soooo adamant about the Audiocaps that I had definitely wondered if that is what I tested several years ago. If nothing else,  it is an interesting read and a gauge between different caps. Nice comparisons between different Mudorfs and Clarity caps.  I hope this is helpful to someone out there.  Tim