Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

I have ordered two Omega E Mats. My systems are already extensively treated with Total Contact- circuit breaker box, power cords, interconnects, wall outlet connections, and inside most components.

This will be a fun and educational project. They come with a 30 day trial so there is ample time to get a feel for how they affect an already tuned system.

David Pritchard

With 30 day money back trial. I too will at least try. Skip lunch to pay for shipping 

I believe HP said:  “If you have not heard it; You do not have a valid opinion.”
I now have 4 Omegas in my system, that has also been extensively treated with TC. I have one on my main power panel, and one each under my CD Transport, DAC & Amp. It's hard to describe the extensive positive impact they have had. I think the best way to say it is, while listening, I frequently find myself thinking (or even exclaiming out loud); “That sounds so real!” This happens with a wide variety of instruments & vocals, across a wide variety of recordings and musical genres.

The increase in engagement with, and enjoyment of, the music has brought many a smile to my face 😁
Thanks for the replies. I’m down to my last little bit of TC and I haven’t done everything I wanted to yet with it so I’m contemplating ordering another tube before trying the mat.

This mat reminds me of the Tranqulilty base from SR. Wonder if anybody has any experience with that. The Omega E is much more affordable though.