Best MUSICAL subwoofer for Maxx 2's quality sound?

I posted this under the "speakers" forum, rather than "home theater" for a reason.

Looking to either buy another M&K MX 5000 subwoofer to go stereo pair setup....or, maybe a whole different subwoofer setup.

Running Wilson Audio Maxx 2's, and want to supplement the very low end (below 80 Hz) musically and very powerfully. (Maxx 2's are powered by 2 McIntosh 1201 monoblocks).

Suggestions? Just add another MX 5000, or change? If so, to what?

Thanks, in advance.

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read robert harley's review of the JL audio f113 used in stereo pair with the wilson maxx --jl web site should have this review --always a difficult dec on which way is best --good luck--rich
Ican't find EITHER of the two above mentioned references by Bob and Ras. Any help?
Excuse me, but I have to ask. You have $50k ($28k used) speakers AND THEY NEED A SUB?

I do not understand some things, and people, for sure.
Rnm4: It doesn't matter how full range a speaker is when placed ideally for imaging (away from walls) you can lose bass reinforcement. You can also end up with the main speakers in a bass null related to the seating position. So using actively crossed over subwoofers in the best location (to prevent nulls or peaks) for subwoofers you can achieve an ideal balance.