Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

I agree with Frank that the power panel is where I would start first. This will have a positive effect on all your components, rather than targeting just one. I would then put one under whichever source component(s) you use the most. If, like me, you listen to CDs, and have a separate transport & DAC, I would put one under the transport first, and then the DAC.
I wonder how many they can sell in 30 days?

Dunno. Take the advertising revenue, keep the fanboy threads running, pull any controversial threads. Seems kinda formulaic...
I will be using the Omega E Mat not on top of the Synergistic Research Tranquility base but on top of the component such as the Pass Lab amp.
David Pritchard

Mats with money back 30 day trial almost had me.

Reasons to hold back?

Two 2Xs, the Admin. Has removed the thread.

”Painting” TC on the mats? And just about every other piece in your components and electrical panel ?
No UL listing. 

Every proponent wants you to except their hearing and opinion as unquestionably honest and Oh so right.

Granted, I have lumped TC and Mats together; So have the proponents. 

First it was a tweak, then equal to a component, then “dubbed” an accessory; now back to a tweak.

Are you guys Sure now? What is it?

First, it was to be placed under your component. Maybe magnetically to the bottom of the component. Now on your electrical panel. Seems to benefit “Digital gear” the most. 

I am am now waiting for the UL listing and 2-3 reviews in the “rags” by known reviewers.