Should I recap my speakers? If so who can do it?

Would y'all recap? Mirage M1. they can't be moved. Can I just remove the necessary parts and ship that?

I feel Grannyring and Timlub are fine options. I know for certain they are fine people, bending quite a bit to help others. Thanks you two. Also Grannyring thanks for being a reasoned voice on a couple of the threads. I appreciate it.
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Thanks for the kind words marqmike. I have contributed in many threads with Grannyring and agree he is a voice of reason and I would add... knowledgeable.  
Thanks also to @marqmike !

I have learned a great deal reading Timlub posts and greatly respect him.  
The parts costs quoted seem reasonable. I did some speakers for my neighbour, cost about $1000, and dramatically improved every aspect of the speakers' performance.

I'm retired too, and it's my hobby too, but I'm not in the business. The posters above should be able to help you a lot.

But don't go cheap on the treble crossover capacitors. I would spend the bucks to get film and foil, preferably styrene and tin (MIT sells a good one) on the treble signal path. In this case, you get a LOT for what you pay, maybe the best bang for buck in the whole audio chain.