Like the new look to audiogon ?

Noticed this morning that a change happened on the site.   

If you go the category section and click on Amps / Solid State,  you then see all the thumbnails of the amps that are for sale.          Its a little confusing as first you see the BOOSTED LISTINGS, then after that is the FEATURED LISTINGS.....then you see ALL THE SOLID STATE LISTINGS. 

Gone is the category view of the listings......
If members here aren’t happy with the upgrade and want to sell equipment, why not just go to usaudiomart and sell there as most of the members visit that site anyways and it’s free to sell there .

Junk. Waste of time. Painful to use. I pretty much agree with all of the negative comments.  Glad to know I'm not alone.
Might end up saving some money though if they don't change it back.
In terms of style, I like it.

What I am having trouble with is organization. It is super hard for me to tell what I am looking at when a search completes.
this SUCKS! put it back, and leave it the hell alone. email me when its changed back, Im out
Bring back the Classic view ONLY the Grid view is total garbage.AUDIOGON WAKE UP DUDES!!!!!!!!