Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
I'm in Southern California, the land of the fires. I could use an air cooled hat right about now. Temps today are in the 100 degree+ range.

Opposite end of the country here Frank
Nothing but torrential afternoon thunderstorms like right now.
No problem just have to turn up the volume!

Be careful out there Frank! Pretty serious weather indeed.

It is absolutely heartbreaking to see those fires on TV.  I hope you and your family stay safe.  About 10 years ago, a neighbor was burning leaves (illegal) on a very windy day.  His hemlocks got on fire, then the woods behind him.  The entire woods was on fire behind my house and then the flames jumped the fence and burnt my entire backyard and ended 12 feet away from my home.  When that ball of flames jumped my fence, it looked like the sun had just landed in my backyard.  I was petrified and luckily at the last couple of minutes, the wind direction changed and I was able to put out what was left.  The Fire Dept (less than a mile away) took about 17 minutes to respond.  Very scary.
I feel confident in putting the mat inside the electrical panel. The outside panel is visible from my gate, set back about 35’ from the street. However, if I put the mat on top of the panel door, visible to anyone near my gate, they could just take it. I feel safer having it nearly enclosed by the panel door (which doesn’t seal closed after 40 years), magnetically clamped to a wall portion of the panel, draped across the breakers and sticking out about 1/4" on the other side of the panel (if I cut off 1/2" X 8", it would fit perfectly and I could close the panel door).

In my music room, I have a dedicated subpanel. I put the mat magnectically attached across the inside of it and across the breakers.

I don’t see how any heat build-up will ever occur in the breaker boxes. The exterior panel has been serviced recently by an electrician. The interior box is 25 years old.

If Tim says I’m better off putting the subpanel one outside the box, I’ll do it but I really don’t feel safe leaving the mat exposed to view on the outside panel.  Also, if I put the mat magnetically attached to the inside of the outside panel door still sticking out slightly, will it be as effective?
uberwaltz & stereo5 ...

Southern California is basically a desert. All of our hills are covered with chaparral. During hot weather, the oils in the brush come to the surface. All it takes is a dry lightening strike to set the fires off. As the plants burn, the seeds are expunged and end up in the soil. As soon as the rains come in the winter ... all four inches of it ..* lol* ... the seeds sprout and the greenery starts all over again. Its nature's way of pruning. The problem is, we are so stupid, we build multi-million dollar homes right in the middle of it. I guess this will continue as long as the insurance companies or the state cover the damages. 
