What's happened to Taters ?

As odd as this may sound, I miss him and his odd posts !!

taters might be seeking Asylum in Canada...

my personal choice would be Nordic if I can take my car and visit in Summer
"I think Oregonpapa might be taters."

You can call me Johnson. You can call me Jackson. Just don't call me "Taters."  :>)
@tomic601 Thanks for your kind words. I didn’t mean to imply you assigned any nic name to me. Anyway that’s all in the past now.

Although I have responded to a couple of Magico threads since I re-joined A’gon, I’m trying to town it down. Suffice to say i’m content with my choice of S5 Mk2’s + SPods. They’re a very complete speaker & don’t have any real weak points.

Though I don’t recall the specifics, I obviously forcefully argued my POV in that previous thread & didn’t give you any oxygen to express your opinion. So I apologize for that. SO starting fresh, congratulations on your fine system! The Vandersteen 7 Mk2’s are well sorted & terrific speakers, especially paired with the Vandersteen water-cooled mono’s. Your front end source looks good. That’s a well worn path these days.

I’m a bit old school and run a Vitus SCD-025Mk2 cdp as my main source, though I plan to add a high end server/streamer transport in future & connect that to the Vitus’s excellent dac. Then when my cd collection gets out of control one day, the end game for me will be running a similar setup to yours; ie: a NAS, JRiver or similar software on my laptop run via Cat 6 cable to something like a Boulder 2120 dac/streamer. That’s a good solution for a huge library of cd’s, but a long way off for me.

See you ’round the forums 😎.