Carver Amazing Line Source Speakers

Since I now own the Carver Raven 350 amps, I have become very interested in the Carver Amazing Line Source speakers. But I have not been able to actually hear them.
Can anyone who has heard them comment as to the sound quality?

Thank you

Geez, I  was afraid they were going to go back.  Who would have thought?  Glad you got it sorted out and happy you are starting to enjoy them.  It will only get better now.
Great job on the DEQX investigation! Since your past speakers were of higher efficiency others might have just settled that the Carvers need too much power, and sent them back. Smart move on the fuses as well. Complicated setups take time to optimize, and your knowledge/familiarity with you system is essential. I'll bet I can almost hear it from Florida now.
stereo5, koestner,

Thank you.
Sometimes the obvious is not always the best path to follow.


@ozzy  Very cool that you were able to diagnose and fix the issue. You had been 'quiet' so I wondered if they weren't working out the way you expected or had hoped for. Terrific hearing you are happy with both the Carver ALS speakers as well as Carver's amps!

It's also reassuring to hear that Carver will stand by their components. Nice!!!

Yeah, while I was going crazy, Bob was always available. He also was quite stumped by the problem.
In a few days I will reintroduce the SR blue fuses to the amps.

I also had 5 SR HFT's on each of my DIY speakers. With the Carvers, I'm not sure where to start. I called Synergistic and they said "when I find proper placements to let them know!"
Anyone have any suggestions?
