want to ditch my Brooklyn to streamer..thoughts?

I have a Brooklyn DAC and have been running my laptop through it listening to Tidal....seems like over kill at this point. I removed my CD player from the DAC and enjoy the player a lot more. 

I am going to sell my Brooklyn and powersupply.

I want to still stream tidal.....was thinking of Bluesound Node 2 any thoughts on sound quality? other options? I tried a Chromecast and returned it. 

Why complicate things? Why do you need a separate streamer? Why use a USB connection? Why use a computer in your audio room or even a streamer with attached disks? Been there done that for over 10 years. There is a better way and that’s using bridge technology inside a dac. The 2  eat models are from DCS and PS Audio, I have the ps audio setup and your trade mags have it as rated in the top tier and I would agree. My best day was when I sold or got rid of my computer/audirvana/pure music setup, the Auralic Aries, and especially my AQ Diamond USB cable. Hello roon with ps audio dac/bridge II,no hiccups, the best interface, fantastic Tidal implementation, and only using a good quality Ethernet cable with 1Gb external internet speed.
f you see same option in bluos app on node2 then it should work. As I said I was not 100% sure if node2 had same capability, obviously it does.
Always up for learning!

@rbstehno - This is slightly OT, but I am really curious.  I know a bunch of people moving from their own music collections to streaming from Tidal.  Here is my question:  How do you decide what to listen to?  I almost never run to my stereo saying "I have got to hear some [insert name of artist here] today!"  One of the joys of my server (and I use a dedicated Linux server via a Squeezebox Touch, so no USB anything), is that I know I like every music file in my 450gb+ library.  I can select random play of albums, genre, artists or songs, and I have the world's best radio station; one that plays only stuff I like and with no ads.  Before I got my server, I was often at a loss to decide what CD or LP to pull out.  I listen a lot more now than I used to, and enjoy it more, too. 

So, what do streaming guys like you do when you have to pick from millions of albums?  What is it like for you when you have time to really listen, as a destination activity?

bondmanp-I took my Mac mini running audirvana or pure music and turned it into a true server running OSX server. I have 26TB of raid data to hold all my ripped music or purchased hires files. This server is located in the basement a 100ft away from my dedicated audio room. the Mac server is used to backup all my macs data, setup caching of software updates, run minimerver for other audio connections throughout the house, and handle sharing of my audio ripped files.
using roon with the ps audio dac/bridge, I point to the Mac server for my audio files, and the server runs roon to render MQA files. The thru roon, I link to the bridge to play my music. It’s also critical to use fiber for your network connection (I have a 1Gb fiber connection) so it’s absolutely quiet whereas copper connections introduces noise. Using roon, I can mix Tidal albums with my ripped music so when I play an artist, it will play from my server or from Tidal, in shuffle mode you really don’t know where the music is coming from, who really cares.

@rbstehno - Oh, thanks for the clarification.  Sounds like Roon is the key, but AFAIK, it won't work with Sqeezebox or Sqeezeserver yet.  And then there's the money issue.  Always the money issue. [sigh]  - Seems like you use Tidal as an extension of your server, with Roon as the program that makes this possible.