want to ditch my Brooklyn to streamer..thoughts?

I have a Brooklyn DAC and have been running my laptop through it listening to Tidal....seems like over kill at this point. I removed my CD player from the DAC and enjoy the player a lot more. 

I am going to sell my Brooklyn and powersupply.

I want to still stream tidal.....was thinking of Bluesound Node 2 any thoughts on sound quality? other options? I tried a Chromecast and returned it. 

streamers are old technology! 
uberwaltz-tidal or other sites, you MIGHT be correct that vinyl MIGHT sound better, which is also true if you are using a cd player. But to say that hires/dsd and now MQA is worse than vinyl is just a silly remark. I have a very nice TT setup that costs 4x more than my digital setup and good recording DSD/MQA files will blow away vinyl. Since my PS Audio dac upsamples everything to DSD (not sure what it does to hires/dsd/mqa) even redbook can sound better than vinyl. If using a typical non-ps audio/dcs type dac, then vinyl will probably sound better than redbook thru these dacs.
Please point me to ANY comment made that states vinyl is BETTER?

Saying vinyl is on a different level has NOTHING to do with saying it is better, same or worse, just that it is DIFFERENT.

As I have stated in MANY threads you cannot compare vinyl to CD to streaming and really should not even begin to try to.
@bondmanp ,
I tend to use Spotify as it has a super classical catalog and is much more complete than Tidal.
Spotify has a nice little tab called Discovery which offer music based on what you have been playing. I find tons of new material using this. In fact, I have discovered at least 6 Early Romantic composers, who I never knew existed, and works by some that I had never heard before(- And, I have been listening to WQXR since Duncan Pirnie).

As I said before, my Bluesound Node's are for connecting my upstairs office and living room main system. If you don't need whole house connectivity, then just using the Brooklyn with your computer or CD transport should suffice.
Hi - I wanted to share my brief ownership with the BlueNode 2 as a +1 on mahler123's reliability comment. I wanted to like the unit, and I know some others have had success with it, but mine was an extremely frustrating experience and I ended up returning my unit after a few weeks of use. Nothing more annoying than going to listen to your music and discovering that the BlueNode has lost its NAS library and has to re-index the NAS all over again, hopefully they have corrected that issue by now, my poor experience was 9 months ago (Fall 2017). I posted the following comments at the time to another forum where I had been touting the BlueNode's virtues before getting bogged down with disappointing technical issues!
"I am still evaluating the BlueNode 2 but it is likely going back to retailer.  One key issue I have is that for a new device, with latest firmware, it still has a couple quirks – one of which is lack of being able to do artist/song radio properly. Also, I find library scrolling to be slow even on the associated desktop app (if it has indexed my library, why does it take seconds for my album art to load for my library and Tidal, when scrolling a list?). And then when I wrote in about the artist radio, the rep told me they can see my unit is in temporary storage mode (?) meaning that if power failure or unplugged then the BlueNode 2 will lose all settings including Tidal log-in and all the library indexing to my NAS. This has happened twice already due to power outages. No DIY solution to put it out of its ‘temporary’ mode, only fix per company is to schedule a shared Teamviewer computer screen-share with support desk and give them remote access to network?!? No thanks, and especially not for a brand new product…back to the store it will go! Unacceptable that this is not something they can address with firmware download. "