Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?

It may be just a coincidence, but looking through the various reports of the recent Munich high end event I've noticed no fewer than four (!) different turntables that all look suspiciously like the Micro RX-5000.

TW Acoustic and Kuzma launched new models visually 'inspired' by the RX-5000 design, Acoustical Systems showed a table that looks like an exact copy and DB Systems (www.micro.nl) also showed an exact copy, leaving no doubt of its objective by simply calling it 'The Tribute'. And then of course there already was the TechDas AirForce 5.

Does anyone know more about these newbies and what's under their bonnets? It would be interesting to compare their performance vis à vis the original and hear how much technology has moved forward. Or not.

While I'm a happy owner of the RX-1500G, the RX-5000 has been on my radar for quite some time. So with this Micro Renaissance going on, should I wait for a mint original to cross my path or should I go for one of these new tables? It seems Micro enthousiasts are now spoiled for choice........


@edgewear Both my MS TTs and the Kuzma have platter spindle and/or except my the leg suspensions sitting in a small niche of oil. This dampens the negative vibrations and overall, as I have nothing better to compare (Nakamichi which is also oil dampened). I've never done a 1 on 1 with more expensive TTs. I think they would hold their own.

@rauliruegas I realise English is not your 1st language and your post show this. However this is not a criticism. You phrasing and wordage is quaint, and what's more, you are VERY knowlegible in Audio. For this I respect you.

Dear @cleeds : I take your point. Normally in my country is not an insult but could be an insult depending with whom we are speaking and if that the discussion is hot but already gone out of civilised maturity and out of " control ".

In the other side each single learning " audio lesson we have the opportunity to achieve will mades that we can grow up in our hobby, it's not an insult try to learn or tell some one that needs to learn because not only in audio subjects but in any life day by day subjects exist an specific learning ladder and each step we are going up we are growing up.

That's what my common sense dictates to me but each one has his own common sense and of course different country culture.

Btw, I want to let very clear that when I use the word ignorant my first and main meaning is that we only has to go deeper in the subject we are discussing to learn and be or not aware of what we are discussing.

I never use ignorant/ignorance words to insult any one everywhere in the audio forums.  

I think that for all of us always is good to have a open attitude willing to learn that permits two critical audio " things: grow up that means too that in that audio subject under discussion our ignorance level goes down and both achievements are true advantages for any one of us.

That's the way I think/common sense with no  culture  in between, we all are mature human beens .

So, even that some discussions can goes truly hot I NEVER try to insult any one.


My keyboard acts like English is it's 5th language. For those who thought I might be mimicking someone, let me repeat it properly:

@edgewear Both my MS TTs and the Kuzma have platter spindle and/or the leg suspensions sitting in a small niche of oil. This dampens the negative vibrations and overall, as I have nothing better to compare (except for my Nakamichi which is also oil dampened).

I've never done a 1 on 1 with more expensive TTs. I think my TT may hold their own, but there are a whole lot of pieces that make a whole on audio. And those pieces all need to be compatible.

I rushed my next message to get out and drive my wife to work. Like anything in this hobby, don't rush things and take your time.

@rauliruegas I realise English is not your 1st language and your posts reflect this. However this is not a criticism. Your phrasing and wordage are quaint, and that makes for an interesting picture I have of you.

There are times you can see the way a person writes can describe the person more than the content itself. Raul, you strike me as a very passionate man who is VERY knowlegible in audio by way of experience in being able to collect and own (and sell) so much audio equipment. Additionally, I know you have such an extensive and desirable vinyl collection, such that you can use these to test and trial any equipment using the same known test material.

Raul, I do respect you, your knowledge and your contributions. As I said previously, I was not trying to disrespect you, and what I wrote was insensitive.

@opus111 I don't have an extensive knowledge of tonearm performances especially with many different cartridges. Technology has moved on and manufacturers now have extensive modelling tools to emulate operational performance even before one hits its vinyl test target.

I see the difference between an arm like the MAX-237 and modern day top flight arms, like the muscle cars of the 60s/70s and the cars today. A VW Golf GTI would put most older muscle cars to shame. But the older cars still are desirable because of their character. Some new arms are good, but too clinical if you understand what I mean.

Cheers. A.

Dear @opus111 :   """  Is this a joke? Having owned 1500, 5000, and 8000 I am a MS fan but the 237 and 282 arms are by far the most overrated tonearms of all time, and nowhere near the level of their better turntables. They sound thin, sterile, and downright unmusical....."""

That you owned all those MS TT models and that you think are really good only speaks that you are totally unaware of all its design faults and that you like all the distortions degradation the TTs makes to the cartridge signal.

In that statement you confirm what I'm saying on what you like it when you said that the MX MS tonearm models sound: thin, sterile and dowrigth unmusical ". Well, first than all a tonearm must has not sounds by it self, I owned too the MAX models and are very good tonearms and very well damped and maybe is because of this that you did not like it because you like higher distortion/coloration levels. .

Good for you are still a MS TT fan, this fact only says you are a fan of a wrong designed TT.

Wrongly designed or not, I rather like my 8000, at least more so than 90% of the turntables being made today. I'd take the "higher distortion/coloration levels" of the arms you don't like over the MS tonearms any day, and you can continue enjoying well damped accuracy of MAX-282 if that's what you think you are hearing