Zu def 4 are they the best speaker made?

I have been a Zu fan for a long time starting with the presence and moving to Definition 3 then to Definition 4.

In my opinion if you like Americana, Rock music
Blues or Bluegrass, then these speakers with the right electronics and room, I really feel like the room matters as much as components.

these speakers lack nothing in my opinion you have great soundstage as well as intimacy and realistic bass.

i have tried a lot of different amps and preamps
But for me as Cobra from this site.  suggested a good 845 amp is a match made in audio heaven!

I'm using a Jhango passive and my 845 is a Larry Moore Monaco with some upgraded parts

Lampizator Dac and transport thru a MacBook Pro with Tidal and it’s simply amazing!!

for vinyl I have a modded table from George Merrill of Memphis Tn, great guy by the way.

and my phono pre is Heed quasar , nothing crazy expensive and I would put it up against anything I have had the pleasure to listen to.

my point is Zu makes a fantastic speaker on top of amazing customer service. But with the right gear they can sound as good as it gets.

i know that’s a bold statement but these speakers are so immediate and life like without any limitations that I can hear but it’s just my opinion.

Check them out for yourself, you may feel the same way.

They’re certainly the best ever speaker, IN MY ROOM, SYSTEM, EXPERIENCE.
But since no one else has my room, system, experience, it’s a bit of a mute point as an opinion/question.
I’ve been running them since 2013, initially with Hovland tube HP200 pre/Radia SS power, then all-tube Audion Quattro pre/Black Shadow 845 SETs, and now all-tube Nat Audio Utopia pre/SE2SE 211 SETs.
The NATs are truly special powering the Def4s.
I’ve modded them with Sean-approved Lundahl transformers and Duelund caps, replaced the stock spikes w Symposium Rollerblocks, and most critically installed them in a new room with plenty of space around them (9’ to front walls, 4’ to side walls, 8’ apart, 12’ to seat) with absolutely stunning acoustics (I am truly blessed with my new room), and bulletproof power (isolated feed to room, 8kVA Westwick balanced power, Oyaides dedicated lines).
What was a pretty enjoyable but overly rough sound in my old, poor room, has now transformed into a world-beating one. Bass is truly controlled, expressive, extended and nimble. Mids are the biggest winner, maintaining the Zu DNA of tone density and immersion, but now doing the audiophile checklist of stage depth, imaging, texture, delicacy and air. Treble is sweet and sublime.
Its taken 5 years to get to this point, especially 12 months of wrangling the new room, spending a fortune on it in the process, but the Definitions are truly revealed to be stellar performers, with what I still contend is a unique combination of horn-like immediacy, old-school heft, texture and density, with a real ability to communicate the musicians’ intent. Here the true 101dB efficiency always shows its advantages.
But as I’ve found, they can flatter to deceive, and it’s taken me a spend 7x what I paid for them, on room acoustics and power grid, and very careful setup to get them to reveal their true magic.
I contend I may very well have the best sounding pr of Definitions 4 in existence.
And so, yes, the Definitions 4s are the best spkrs ever made.
This discussion is like a progressive rock fan trying to get a blues fanatic to agree that his favorite band is the better than any other musical group out there. (You can substitute any other group/musician/genre you wish to create a meaningful example for yourself.)

It ain't gonna happen; no agreement will be reached.

Why is it such a hard concept to understand that each of us has our own preferences whether the subject is speakers, music, food, sports, and on and on?
Mlsstl,  I'm a prog rock fan as well as Zu acolyte, so you're mentioning all the BEST things.
The BEST genre, thru the BEST spkrs, sounds the BEST ever.
Now, are we done? LOL
 I  was going  to  explain the anatomy  Zu  Definishion speakers and main
difference from convenience 3 way Hi end speakers,  but some
audiophile dont like long post and  technical explanation . 
To say shortly , Zu Def get luck midbass .  How is affect to sound , is less body full.. less piano low registred, less punch  to compare .