Help me pick a phono, pre and cart

Hi all,
My WF spending restraints are going away so I’m going to upgrade my system.
I primarily play CD, but also have an MMF-5 with Glass platter, Golding GX1022 cart going through a Clear Audio Nano to Ayre Ax-7e to Sig 2 Ce’s.

This year I’m going to Quatro CT’s and upgrading my vinyl pre and source side. Next year I’m upgrading my main pre and power amp.

I’m looking for help in picking a phono player pre and cart. My musical taste is pretty wide: female vocals, rock, blues, jazz; not much classical on vinyl. Think Amy Winehouse/Cold Specks/Pixies/Weezer/Jeff Beck/Johnny Winter/Winton Marsalis and Maynard Ferguson for you other old timers. LOL
My budget is about $8-10k

Right now my main thoughts are VPI Prime Scout or Prime with Grado Statement series cart, and an Ayre Px-5e pre.
In addition to specific item recommendations, I’m very interested in how to split the budget item wise. In other words more or less on player vs cart vs pre, I.e. Scout with Statement2 or Prime with Reference2 for example. Or go higher than 20-30% on the pre?
I lean towards spending the most on what’s least upgradeable - sorry if that’s too general or obvious.
Thanks much

@rauliruegas It's obvious from your latest comment that you don't have any clue about the design of the VTPH-2a.  That's not my opinion, it is a reflection of facts.  The Herron VTPH-2a is not a pure tube phono stage.  And your statement  " A good SS design always ( and I mean it. ) performs truer to the recording, tubes can’t do it."  is unfounded in any facts.  And you can present no proof that supports your statement.  Facts do not support your description of the VTPH-2a.  Your hatred of Herron Audio equipment is hard to understand.  

I would forward that opinion that the Herron Audio VTPH-2a is the best in the field.  I have not heard any better phono stage at any price.  The price point you suggest is a figment, a fabrication, in your own mind.  Just because it isn't unaffordably expensive or have a 3 inch thick face plate and weigh 100 pounds does not mean it is cheap or limited in performance.  That is your error.  

Dear @bpoletti : Of course that I know is a hybrid design, that's why I specified that I listened the VTHP-1 MC VERSION. Even that use SS at the input high gain stage the signal pass through tubes and this is the main subject:  signal pass through tubes.

"""   I have not heard any better phono stage at any price.  """ and that's why you are unaware of what I posted.

I don't know which all SS units you already tested and with what kind of surrounded audio items and really is not important because your statement speaks by its self. You are totally unaware of tubes degradation to the audio signal. You are very well trained by that corrupted AHEE.

Are you happy with tubes? just follow sticky with when I'm really enjoying in true and real today audio world the MUSIC that's in the LP recorded grooves with a lot lower degradation that what you are doing and this fact you can't change it till you disappears from your room/audio system each single tube in the audio signal.

Simple as that.

@rauliruegas Your earlier criticisms of the Herron VTPH-2a contradict your back-peddling comment.  And your statement " A good SS design always ( and I mean it. ) performs truer to the recording, tubes can’t do it." is not supported in fact.  

Maybe the real flawed component is your credibility.
I’ve yet to hear a tube phono better solid state myself. Raul’s right about that, as far as I’m concerned.
@invictus005 - I didn't know the medical team was able to restore your hearing.  What a wonderful development for you.  First time you can hear since birth!