"Best" bookshelf/monitor for low-power amp?

I'm looking for recommendations to mate to a low-power 30wpc Red Wine 30.2 amp.

I was thinking moderately priced (no more than $5k used) high-efficiency monitors, for probably near-field-like listening. For a home-office application, so space is an issue and big ol' floorstanders will be too much. Digital audio only (via a DAC). Mix of music, jazz, classical, lots of female vocalists. Some rock for good measure. Okay, so, a little bit of everything. :-)

Room is 12x10x9 with glass on 3 sides (windows on 2, french doors on 3rd). Speakers will be able to be 2-3 ft from wall, bracketing french doors, shooting down longest axis at windows (with me and desk directly in front).

Currently on the chart, Zu Tone, GMA Callisto or Eos III. After that, I'm kinda stuck. I'd love to do something like a Harbeth SHL5 or Focal 1007 Be, but I'm worried that they'll just be "okay" with such a low powered amp (they're pretty inefficient).

Suggestions and input welcome. And yes, I know this is similar to other threads, but the caveat here is that I'm looking for "high-efficiency monitors" not just "best ever".

Thanks in advance ....

02-13-12: Socrates7
Harbeth P3ESR (no bass)

Where did you get the notion the P3ESR has no bass? Didn't seem at all that way when I heard them.
Omega Speaker Systems makes some excellent sounding high efficiency monitors. I heard the Omega Hoyt Bedford Type 1's and they sounded terrific.
Do look into PSB, Paradigm, Totem and Nola. Auditioning is the best way to find out.
I listened to the Joeseph Audio Pulsar at the recent Axpona Show in Jacksonville, FL and my wife and I really liked them a ton; but I question the price? Otherwise, a no brainier. Better value seems to be the Devore. Good luck in your search, you also write a great blog, look forward to reading it...

The Pulsar is a special speaker. Wish it was cheaper, but pricing discussions are always tough to fight through. In the end, the price is whatever it is, you know?

Still struggling through this ....