I currently have the Triton 5's Loudspeakers, Marantz SA14S, SACD player, Thor Audio tube Tp-150 monoblocks,
Thor line stage with 2 SVS sealed subwoofers.  Seeking better sound. My short list of loudspeakers are as

1. Golden Ear Technology Reference
2. Revel F228 BE
3. Focal Kanta 2
Any suggestions would be appreciated.  
Wow, that is such a hotly contested price point! Your list so far is great.

I’d add:
New Magico A3, Used Sonus Faber Olympical III(actually available around $7K, and great for your symphony sound stage requirement),
Legacy Audio Focus SE, Used Rockport Technologies Atria(stretch budget to $12K), B&W 804D3, Used Revel Ultima Salon II(stretch budget to $11K)

Am setup to reproduce large orchestral works with stunning accuracy/soundstage and use Tekton speakers. The Ulfberht is available a simple black version for 9k. If you can handle the size and utilitarian design, it will accomplish your goals in spades. Throw a great deal of clean power to it and you're in the concert hall. You'll get a lot of negative feedback here about Tekton speakers but listen to owners -- they tell the true story.
GE Triton Reference. There is a pair selling on Audiogon, brand new for $6500.00. It’s a steal at that price.
+1 for the Legacy Audio Focus SE recommendation. You can usually find them used for roughly $7K.
Kjl1065, your three speakers are exactly the ones I was considering.  All good, but I chose Sonist Concerto 4 because the other three had a somewhat Technicolor quality that I felt gave more sound than the actual instruments, although I'd probably prefer that quality if I was still centered in rock/pop.    I did like the GE Reference but a foot too tall for domestic bliss.