insurance and shipping with UPS

I recently shipped a Levinson 432 amplifier with UPS.I brought it to UPS and requested that they box it. It was insured. During transit UPS dropped the amplifier and pretty much destroyed it. I offered to pay for repairs, however the buyer had no interest in purchasing the item. UPS inspected the damaged amplifier and denied my claim, insisting  the  amplifier was not properly packaged. Corporate denied responsibility and said the issue was between myself and the UPS franchise that shipped it. I've been dealing with the franchise for a month and they are fighting with corporate in an attempt to adjudicate the issue. Meanwhile, I've repaid the buyer and have had  no relief from UPS. The UPS website clearly states that if a franchise boxed the item they are responsible. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to resolve this issue, other than hiring an attorney? UPS seems to be somewhat of a scam operation. I did not realize that all UPS offices were franchises and am wondering why anyone would ship anything of value with them.
OP - Can you go back to the UPS location and get names of employees you dealt with that day who made the assurances you note above?  A small claims suit may not be able to provide sufficient monies to compensate you for the value of the destroyed amp.  So you might check that first in your locality.  If the amount is sufficient, then take it to small claims and have the names of who told you what at UPS.

Based on your 10:50 AM post above, I can't see how you wouldn't win that battle. Once they receive notice from the local magistrate that a suit has been filed they may change their tune and pay up rather than appear with a losing case in court.  Good Luck!🍀

I concur with Hifiman5,
File a suit in small claims court. If they don't show up, you will win. If they do show up, present your evidence. I am not a lawyer, but I think you have sufficient claim.
I want to let everyone know that I spoke with UPS and they settled the claim in my favor. I haven't received a check yet. I didn't mention that my wife, who happens to be an attorney, had e-mailed a letter to the franchise owner letting him know that a lawsuit would be pending unless the issue was resolved. Thirty hours of aggravation, a wonderful amplifier destroyed, and probably two months will have gone by the time I'm compensated. The buyer went way out of his way to help me, taking pictures, and actually speaking with UPS several times on his own initiative.  What I've learned from this is that it's imperative to find a UPS franchise that you feel comfortable with. Talk directly with the owner. Let him inspect the packaging and sign off on it. Secondly, even if one does their own boxing, UPS will go out of their way to find some sort of flaw with the packaging. I actually think that the amplifier was properly packaged. Unfortunately, it was dropped off a truck. Unless one gets some sort of certification from UPS that your audio equipment was packaged properly, or even if they packaged it; Beware. What I've learned? There has got to be a better way. At any rate, thanks for all the help and encouragement. I'll let you know if and when I get compensated.
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@catsally1   Your wife is an attorney?  Shut up!  You had this thing in the bag with in house legal talent!  Nothing like sending correspondence on attorney letterhead.  Super glad to hear that this is being resolved in your favor!  Hopefully the wait for the check will be short.  What do you plan to do with the money since the Levinson was destroyed?  Also, sounds like you had a quality buyer.  Hopefully he can procure an amp. to suit his needs.👍