I currently have the Triton 5's Loudspeakers, Marantz SA14S, SACD player, Thor Audio tube Tp-150 monoblocks,
Thor line stage with 2 SVS sealed subwoofers.  Seeking better sound. My short list of loudspeakers are as

1. Golden Ear Technology Reference
2. Revel F228 BE
3. Focal Kanta 2
Any suggestions would be appreciated.  

I believe you’ve made those statements about omnis before, and my reply this time will be similar.

As for "love/hate" thing, I’ve rarely (actually never) encountered someone who hated my omnis, and rarely seen anyone state a hate for omnis in general.

I think the omins that most people are aware of, and most encounter at shows, are the MBLs. They get some bad comments, but usually those are confined to remarks about tonal balance (’too bright’) or the volume (they were played too loud! As we know MBL for some reason loves to crank their demos).

But MBL also get tons of rave comments, and being so expensive most people don’t go on to own them. Rarely do I see people saying they "hated" the MBL or an omni due to, for instance, the imaging - usually that’s one of their most impressive characteristics.

As to unfocused, that like any speaker depends on the set up, room etc.My MBL 121s do not strike me as unfocused (and I have some of the most focused-imaging speakers out there, in the Thiel 3.7s/2.7s). Their imagine sounds to me quite natural. (My room is pretty well damped, which would contribute to this). Listening to some well recorded vocal tracks (for instance one album, a tribute to Nick Drake in an Elizabethan style, with voices recorded in a great acoustic space), vocalists sound more like hearing real people (with eyes closed) than on any other speaker I’ve owned. That wouldn’t be the case if they didn’t image accurately or realistically.

And I’ve heard the MBL 101s in well treated rooms, in which their imaging was as realistic, in terms of palpably focused images of voices and instruments, as any speaker I’ve heard.

Just adding some more user experience to the conversation.

A good general rule when considering loudspeakers:  Any really fine pair of transducers should be able to realistically reproduce all genres of music.  In the case of smaller monitors or stand mounted speakers, augmenting the bass with quality subwoofers can get you there.  Never buy speakers that do not sound good with a particular genre of music as you never know what music you may be exposed to that floats your boat and you might want to listen to on a regular basis.
Ulfberht in soft-gloss black - $9000 Pair on special. I own them. They are an amazing value at their normal $12K price but you have to have enough room for them. They are large speakers.
I would certainly put Magico A3s on my short list.They have sold over 750 pairs thus far but you must match them with the best amp, preamp and cables. Don't  listen to the Magico detractors listen for yourself.I would certainly not listen to dealers with something to sell you.Good luck whatever you get and please let us know.Thanks!!
Prof it is impossible to properly tune an omni, the effects of toe in do not apply to such a design, and for most people roon reflections will create a wide but unfocused image as you will be producing new sound sources via reflections, a well damped room and the right place in the room is crucial.

Have heard MBL many times over the years, they are one of the best of these types of designs, howerver, yet to hear a set whose image is believable most of the times the image is too large and lacks the pin point focus of the really good dynamic designs. The Mbls do have very good clarity and are very open which is a positive.

EBM  Magico is a another love hate brand, many people find the Magico's boring and lifeless, also will they really work well on a tube amp, most Magico demos use high powered solid state.

We haven't heard the new A3 which may be tuned differently.

With a tube amp the great matches have been the Focals, Legacy, the Persona 3F from Paradigms are also amazing with the right tube amplifer. 
Tektons would also work.

If the OP has GE and wants more clarity then a speaker with higher technology/better implimented drivers will be the key, most of the less expensive Chinese sourced Heil drivers or Ribbons or Planner Ribbons Hybrids do not have the upper octave detail, we had the same tweeters Carver used in our much more expensive Scaenas and they did not have amazing detail, slightly soft in the upper octaves.

If the OP craves more detail then the Sopra 2, the Paradigm 3/5F should be on the top of his list.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ