Wear glasses? Play cds? Own PEEPS?

I am very happy with an inexpensive purchase that I discovered next to the cash register
at a store.  The typical impulse purchase, on vacation.
Peeps is a great eyeglass cleaner: no fluid or cloth needed.  I have an older pair of transition lenses 
that are smoky (oily looking?), from being left on a sunny dashboard too many times.  Nothing has 
worked better on eliminating a hazy film that has persisted.  Until I started using Peeps.

I am especially pleased with its use on cds, too.  The tool looks like a wishbone, with pads
on the open ends.  www.carbonklean.com
By holding the cd in one hand and gently squeezing the pads onto the disc while turning it, both sides
of the cd get treated.  By looking at the label side, I can tell when the whole disc has
been covered.

The improvement in sound is pretty dramatic.  I think it just brings the music
closer: greater detail, better highs and lows.  I think it might even be too "forward,"
for some tastes.

I use UltraBit Diamond Plus cd cleaner/treatment.  Periodically I have tried
new microfiber cloths to buff the discs, looking to find the one that delivers the best sound.
I will be stopping my search, happily.  A fresh treatment of the cds with UBDP seems
to be the way to go, in combination with either of the CarbonKlean products.

I am now using their Screen Klean product, which is a single sided and larger
(1.5"x1.5") version, designed for screens and other devices.  It is an easier
product to use, as a few sweeps will treat each side of the disc.  Both Peeps and
Screen Klean come with functional cases, for storage.

I also treated the side of my Marigo mat that comes in contact with the cd,
and noticed a further improvement.  I am not sure how long the effect will last,
but don't think I will have to treat the mat with each new cd that is played in the same listening session.

So now I have an eye glass cleaner and a separate cd cleaner. I don't have to have the Peeps doing
double duty, so it might be less likely to get lost, or in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I will likely be experimenting with treating cable jackets, plugs, speaker cabinets, shelves?

Highly recommended.
If you hold a cd, label side up, around the outer edges,
Peeps is easy to use.  Start from the inner circle
of the disc, making contact at the inner edge.
Pinch the tool so that the pads make contact
on both sides.  

Draw the Peeps towards the outer edge.
Treat the next slice of the cd.  Continue until the whole
disc has been treated, about 20 strokes, or less.
I have found that this gets the best results.

The ScreenKlean, which is the same pad material
in a single, larger shape, works great to treat a
cd platter or mat.  Keep the strokes in the same direction,
from the center to the edge.

It also works on Martin Logan electrostat panels!