I currently have the Triton 5's Loudspeakers, Marantz SA14S, SACD player, Thor Audio tube Tp-150 monoblocks,
Thor line stage with 2 SVS sealed subwoofers.  Seeking better sound. My short list of loudspeakers are as

1. Golden Ear Technology Reference
2. Revel F228 BE
3. Focal Kanta 2
Any suggestions would be appreciated.  
Prof it is impossible to properly tune an omni, the effects of toe in do not apply to such a design, and for most people roon reflections will create a wide but unfocused image as you will be producing new sound sources via reflections, a well damped room and the right place in the room is crucial.

Have heard MBL many times over the years, they are one of the best of these types of designs, howerver, yet to hear a set whose image is believable most of the times the image is too large and lacks the pin point focus of the really good dynamic designs. The Mbls do have very good clarity and are very open which is a positive.

EBM  Magico is a another love hate brand, many people find the Magico's boring and lifeless, also will they really work well on a tube amp, most Magico demos use high powered solid state.

We haven't heard the new A3 which may be tuned differently.

With a tube amp the great matches have been the Focals, Legacy, the Persona 3F from Paradigms are also amazing with the right tube amplifer. 
Tektons would also work.

If the OP has GE and wants more clarity then a speaker with higher technology/better implimented drivers will be the key, most of the less expensive Chinese sourced Heil drivers or Ribbons or Planner Ribbons Hybrids do not have the upper octave detail, we had the same tweeters Carver used in our much more expensive Scaenas and they did not have amazing detail, slightly soft in the upper octaves.

If the OP craves more detail then the Sopra 2, the Paradigm 3/5F should be on the top of his list.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I would totally agree that Magico needs big power ss to sound there best.However I'm fairly certain there are some high power tube amps that may work well on the A3s.However  they did sound there best at Axpona with Dan Ds big ss amps.
@ebm - I have heard the S5 MkII with 500 watt tube/class D hybrid monoblocks from Arion Audio.  Seemed like a good combo to me.
I think if you leave this thread up long enough you will get a recommendation for almost anything on the market at that price point. You really need to do some legwork and figure out what aspects of reproduction are the most important to you and then focus on models that XL at that.  
 For example imaging and sound staging are very important to me so I love point source speakers such as Tannoy altec 604. Or maybe I would be tempted to try out a magna pan.But reading this thread there reccomendations that I really disliked.  So while people rarely agree on what's best I think you get more consensus on what is best at certain aspects of reproduction. 
Focal stuff is very 'true'....
upscale audio is running a sale at the moment.
one notch above the Kanta is the Electra 1038be...based on the utopia drivers.
as opposed to the Kantas being based on the next lower driver..Flax.
the 1038be are usually $9999
on sale now for 6999
they even have refurbished for 5949 !