Cable Burn In

I'm new here and new to the audiophile world. I recently acquired what seems to be a really high end system that is about 15 years old. Love it. Starting to head down the audiophile rabbit hole I'm afraid.

But, I have to laugh (quietly) at some of what I'm learning and hearing about high fidelity.

The system has really nice cables throughout but I needed another set of RCA cables. I bit the bullet and bought what seems to be a good pair from World's Best Cables. I'm sure they're not the best you can get and don't look as beefy as the Transparent RCA cables that were also with this system. But, no sense bringing a nice system down to save $10 on a set of RCA cables, I guess.

Anyway, in a big white card on the front of the package there was this note: In big red letters "Attention!". Below that "Please Allow 175 hours of Burn-in Time for optimal performance."

I know I'm showing my ignorance but this struck me as funny. I could just see one audiophile showing off his new $15k system to another audiophile and saying "Well, I know it sounds like crap now but its just that my RCA cables aren't burned-in yet. Just come back in 7.29 days and it will sound awesome."
I have some very pertinent experience with this issue.  My long-time balanced interconnects  (Clear Day) on the link between my Oppo/ModWright 105 CD/SACD player and Aesthetix Calypso linestage have served me well without complaint over the last 3-4 years. Great cables.

Recently a bat-eared audiobuddy suggested I try Duelund 20g ICs, also balanced, and since they were reasonably priced ($175), I figured, why not.  When first inserted in my system they were awful -- flat, closed-in, meh in every respect. Again, the prescribed break-in (200 hours) sounded incredible to me.  Fortunately I have an Audiodharma Cable Cooker to speed the break-in process.

So I gave the Duelunds several days on the cooker and compared them again to the Clear Days.  Better, but no cigar.  It took more days (I lost count), but eventually the Duelunds won the sonic battle and have now replaced the Clear Days.  Note that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the Clear Days and a number of other ICs haven't come close to the way THEY sound.  But the Duelunds are now top dog --, clear, musical --and I haven't an objective clue as to why.  Not really.

One thing sure:  The Audiodharma Cable Cooker is an incredible product, as anyone who owns one will likely attest
Keep listening to your system, you'll notice a difference when they "burn-in." 
Whenever i'm bored (it's raining and i can't fish and my wife's sleeping so i can't play the music) i enjoy reading this forum.  Yes, many of the posters are predictable but also make legitimate arguments.  What i believe is that music is almost a purely emotional experience and, therefore, it's impossible to argue with someone who says they hear something, even though it can't be measured--it might not be their ears that are "hearing" it.  Could be just an emotional response. After all we can't measure love but we are reasonably certain it exists because we "feel" it.  That said i choose to fall in the measuring camp when it comes to high end audio claims and i may tend to disbelieve if it can't be measured.  What i also wonder from N80's original post is what would motivate the manufacturer to state the break-in period and how did they know it was 175 hours?  Why not 25 hours or even 750 hours?  It's a legitimate question to ask them how they determined it.  Is it possible their motive is to add further scientific-sounding goop in order to make us believe even more strongly that the cables are really going to make a difference? Or does it leave them an "out" to say we didn't break them in properly if we don't hear a difference ?  And if i don't play my system for a few months (as happens when we come to the lake for summer) do the dielectric molecules drift back into a random orientation or are they permanently "aligned" after break-in?  It all sounds like snake oil to me but the fun part of being an audiophile is that chasing perfect sound is never-ending and we're free to believe, feel and hear what we want--and nobody's going to change Geoff"s mind regardless of the merit and logic of their arguments because he says he "hears" it or "feels" it and we can't tell him it's all in his imagination.  If he imagines he sees ghosts then he does!  Thanks to N80, Prof, jea48, Shadorne and Geoff for furnishing high-end education, argument and entertainment on a rainy day.  Luckily i'm a long, long way from a high end audio store...
A cable which has not been used for a long time does require some break in again. even cables which have been moved, IE twisted, the wires rolled up, or rearranged may also need some time to ’settle’ (break in). Usually the time needed is much shorter.So the cables may or may not have some; permanent change? but also some that needs use (IE energy flow) to keep. And new bending of a cable just seems to dissipate some of the ’mojo’The folks who sell the cable cooker claim any cable will ’benefit’ from reuse of cooking. No matter what.

Hi N80 and welcome to the crazy world of audiophilia.

My all-time favorite post here was the very first one from Nonoise.  Yes, you've (re)opened a very familiar can of worms.  And one you get guys like Prof & Clearthink going, forget a logical straightforward conversation.

I was wondering when somebody would mention a cable-cooker, and Geoff (and others) finally did.  Someone advised buying 2 pair of the same cable, breaking one in and then comparing it to the new unused set.   That'll work, but...

If you have access to a cable-cooker, you won't have to wait so long. Put one set on the cooker for 48 hrs. and THEN compare them.  Have a friend swap the cables out so that you, the subject, has no idea which is which. Go back-and-forth several times.

If you hear no difference, perhaps you're right that this is all negligible to you. 

One last point; the notion of burn-in as a marketing ploy is nonsense.  In 40+ years of this hobby (obsession?), I've never heard a dealer or mfgr. tell any dissatisfied customer to "wait for burn-in".

Now OTOH, I know of a few cable mfgrs. who burn their cables in before selling them and do not advertise that fact.  That IS a marketing ploy, in that they know their cables will sound better than many 'right out of the box'. (It's also a nice convenience for their customers who do not ave access to a cable-cooker.)

You can tell that I'm not a skeptic on burn-in.  Why? Because I've done what I described above many times with different cables and other 'subjects' listening as well.  But each to his own; The only things that counts are what you hear and whether it brings you some joy.

Happy listening!