Seeking informed advice on speaker acquisition (Vandersteen vs. OHM Walsh)

I bought a used pair of Vandersteen 2CEs about 6 months ago. They sound great to my relatively uninformed ears, but I would like to step it up. The Vandys are 25+ years old.
I have two speakers under consideration and would like input from individuals who have heard both. I am considering upgrading the Vandys to the 2CE Signature II model. I am sure the improvements in the last quarter century will greatly enhance my listening experience. The other speaker I am considering is an Ohm Walsh 2000. I have read many rave reviews on the Ohm Walsh and am seeking input from those who have heard both.

I would also like to hear from those who have heard both speakers, but have an alternative in mind. My budget cap is $3000. I prefer to buy a new pair, but I am not opposed to acquiring a used offering in great condition. I am in the Atlanta area if anyone has a used pair for sale.

My room specs are 18 x 15 with 7 foot ceilings.
System:Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II; Merrill Super12 Polytable; Oppo UDP-203; Parks Audio Hybrid Budgie phono
We just became Vandersteen dealers. Vandy 3A Signatures baby !
Post removed 
Like Tomic said you can listen to the Vandies at Alan's but with Ohm you will have to take advantage of their 120 day trial.  For the money the 2CE Sig will be hard to beat if your room will allow proper setup.  I have a pair of 2CE Sigs that have been boxed up since I bought a pair of Treo's from Alan four years ago that I just haven't been all that motivated to sell.  Another relatively unknown gem with a similar sonic signature to the 2CE Sig is the Odyssey Lorelei. 
Why consider Thiel?  It is pretty common knowledge that Thiel's since Peter's passing have been on an unproductive track.