Cable Burn In

I'm new here and new to the audiophile world. I recently acquired what seems to be a really high end system that is about 15 years old. Love it. Starting to head down the audiophile rabbit hole I'm afraid.

But, I have to laugh (quietly) at some of what I'm learning and hearing about high fidelity.

The system has really nice cables throughout but I needed another set of RCA cables. I bit the bullet and bought what seems to be a good pair from World's Best Cables. I'm sure they're not the best you can get and don't look as beefy as the Transparent RCA cables that were also with this system. But, no sense bringing a nice system down to save $10 on a set of RCA cables, I guess.

Anyway, in a big white card on the front of the package there was this note: In big red letters "Attention!". Below that "Please Allow 175 hours of Burn-in Time for optimal performance."

I know I'm showing my ignorance but this struck me as funny. I could just see one audiophile showing off his new $15k system to another audiophile and saying "Well, I know it sounds like crap now but its just that my RCA cables aren't burned-in yet. Just come back in 7.29 days and it will sound awesome."
So, geoffkait, you're always asking for people who disagree with you to supply some sort of proof to support their opinions.

But you're dismissing blinded studies.

And I can't remember but I think you're not in the measure-bater camp either.

So if we can't rely on blinded studies and if measurement with equipment can't tell the whole story then what is there? What sort of proof do you want from someone?

I have certainly been pressured to wait, and not return a cable which sucked by the seller saying it needs to break in.  Finally after a MONTH, system on 24.7 and playing music 10 hours a day I said I AM returning it. The next cable I bought for that position was fine from the moment I plugged it in. (Seven meter XLR)
n80 OP
So, geoffkait, you’re always asking for people who disagree with you to supply some sort of proof to support their opinions.

>>>>>Really? Can you show me an example of what you’re referring to? Oh, is this what you mean by asking for proof? I’m just asking to back up a bold statement. That’s not the same thing at all. 😛

But you’re dismissing blinded studies.

>>>>>Yes, but only to the extent that I’ve detailed very carefully in quite a few posts. It’s actually not (rpt not) true I dismiss all blinded studies. It’s not nice to put words in my mouth.

And I can’t remember but I think you’re not in the measure-bater camp either.

>>>>What is the measure-bater camp? I am not in too many camps, so probably not, whatever camp that is. 😀

So if we can’t rely on blinded studies and if measurement with equipment can’t tell the whole story then what is there? What sort of proof do you want from someone?

>>>>>I am not asking for proof of anything from anyone. Where did you get that from? Where do you come up with these questions? Did you leave out listening tests on purpose? 😳

geoffkait, when I said that you were always asking for proof you said:

Can you show me an example of what you’re referring to?

So I scrolled up a few posts where you said, and I quote:

Finally, do you have ANY evidence to support either of those statements?
Ask yourself this question -- after the "burn in" what physically has changed in that cable?