Infirmations about audioresearch LS 26 "Gain"

On an audioresearch LS 26 preamp, how does the LOW- MED- HIGH « Gain » affect the sound ?

Probably the use of the gain is to balance the out put of different source for exemple phono stage vs CD player.

But, is there a best « Gain »position to obtain best sound ?

Looks like on Low gain the sound is softer, and on High gain more detailed sound

Is High gain make the power amp work in a more Class A mode?

Would it be it a sort of resistance, that make the LOW- MED gain functionning?

Or is there kind of booster for the High gain ?

If the LS 26 have "No gain mode", (Defeat mode) which one Gain would be use (heard) ?


In the begenning I use the high gain, and then Low gain, because it seems to lower certain distortions, but after upgrading the AC and connectors, it seems to be better on the Med Gain.  Thanks
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