Polite Rules for discussing Audio related things

The polite rules for discussing audio:
Folks post three types of messages:      
Questions ,about audio function, method, what to buy..  
Answers to other folks questions..  
And blogging. I bought this, I did this, here is my experience                        
Allow others to say and describe what they experience and hear.   Allow then to offer reasons without arguing.   If it is a blog, stop telling them what to do! They don't want you arguing, just wanted to say I did this.
Offer POSITIVE responses. If you disagree with them, do so in a polite and friendly way.        
Offer alternatives without aggressive language.And above all, stop tit for tat aggression. Turn the other cheek dudes, turn the other cheek.
What do you think would help create a friendly happy place to discuss audio?
There's never enough @elizabeth around here.

Another suggestion is to avoid hijacking a thread and turning it into a debate on another topic...especially the old debates that are near impossible to resolve(e.g. analog vs. digital).

There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with others here, as long as its done with respect and on topic. 

More to the point of your last question, 2 things that would make this a happier place for me are:

Eliminating strong recommendations of gear that posters haven't listened to and they don't make that clear in their post. It's a disservice to all when someone on page 3 of the thread finally admits, "no I haven't heard it, but Eargasm Monthly gave it a great review". OTOH, nothing wrong w/ "Read a great review of X, maybe thats worth researching".

The other thing is posts by those w/commercial interests who don't fully disclose. The moderators here shouldn't tolerate it; it's a serious credibility issue. Manufs & dealers who do it don't deserve your money. When I've called out a few for the practice, some have defended by saying, "I post here all the time, everyone should know I am in the business". That is weak. Mods should implement "auto-signatures" for every commercial poster to state their business and title in the signature of every post.
I’ve been here like forever. My company is Machina Dynamica, for you newcomers who might not know. Advanced audio concepts.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
We do Artifical Atoms Right!
Response in print, in forums, is generally a case of motivation to do so, which is by nature --- based in emotions.

Furor and response are tightly linked.

Where emotions are motivation, reason... is in shadow. Where reason is a second and third rate victim dragged behind the prime bodily survival motivators of fear and desire.

Note to self: All reason is passed through primary emotional/survival filters before it is noted as conscious thought in a human mind. It is how we are wired, from the hindbrain on up. All communication between (and in) self and other is filtered by this primary system.

Further note to self: The human brain is not designed to think. It is designed to solve a problem in immediacy and then go back to rest mode immediately. The brain can think, and reason, yes, but it is energetically expensive, and nature conserves.

Humans are designed to think, solve in immediacy and then retreat to ’no thought’, until immediacy calls again. Note that immediacy is provided by prime motivators of fear and desire.

This is neurology and psychology class 101 stuff....and the stats show that 97% of us don’t think. We just react --and solve in immediacy.

If that is not sobering, I don’t know what is.

So, responses are by nature emotional, and the review of the proffered response is emotional... and....no one is thinking.

Yeah, that means you, dear reader. The 100% of you who think you’re an exception......you don’t get a 3% pass card. Another psych class 101 fact point.

You’ll all (including me) self filter yourself to being perfect. Which is absolutely untrue by any measure.
I'm an audio enthusiast. When I find a product that works well in my system, especially if it performs beyond its price point, I like sharing the information. I don't have a company. I don't sell audio products. I'm retired and love to listen to good music. I have many friends who do the same. Therefore, I will post on these forums as I see fit. Thank you ...

+1 @elizabeth,

As nice as the suggestion is, rules of civility on a forum like this is like having someone come down off a mountain with some commandments.
Great in theory but not in practice.

I've pointedly stated how nice it would be for those who love to argue to just go a start a thread with their like minded ilk and have at it, deriding the rest of us. I think it made it to almost one page and then it died out of lack of interest. There's only so much back and knee slapping a small group can endure before they tire of each other.

They need to interject, to impose their will when not asked for because of the nature of this venue. Anonymity is an essential aspect of their condition and it's rewarding and strengthening every time they do it.

Alas, Elizabeth, I think you regard some here too highly. 😄

All the best,