Polite Rules for discussing Audio related things

The polite rules for discussing audio:
Folks post three types of messages:      
Questions ,about audio function, method, what to buy..  
Answers to other folks questions..  
And blogging. I bought this, I did this, here is my experience                        
Allow others to say and describe what they experience and hear.   Allow then to offer reasons without arguing.   If it is a blog, stop telling them what to do! They don't want you arguing, just wanted to say I did this.
Offer POSITIVE responses. If you disagree with them, do so in a polite and friendly way.        
Offer alternatives without aggressive language.And above all, stop tit for tat aggression. Turn the other cheek dudes, turn the other cheek.
What do you think would help create a friendly happy place to discuss audio?
" have we promoted faith, hope, prosperity, and maybe, world peace?????? "  Absolutely!  Oops my bad, I thought you wrote Whorled peas.. Never enough Whorled Peas to go around.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. The reason I know that is because I watched The Usual Suspects.
The only way to effectively moderate a forum thread is to give the editorial keys to the originator of the thread. If things get whacked out of control with nonsensical discourse or off-topic commentary, then the thread originator can step in to remove those posts. 
elizabeth wrote:

  The connection made between existentialism and anarchy is interesting. I would say existentialism is an introvert, personal World view, while anarchism is an extroverted vision of a similar (though not identical) World view. Both make the assertion that one is totally self responsible for the condition one finds oneself in. And that oneself as the only agent capable of changing it.The dark side of existentialism is giving in to the hopelessness in the emptiness

No, actually, according to Sartre, Camu and Neitzsche existentialism was very much of a projected world view. And the dark side of existentialism is not so much a matter of giving in. The dark side is that in order to be intellectually honest with oneself one has to understand that existentialism IS hopelessness and emptiness. To do otherwise is to hold a delusional  world view. It seems to me that anarchism is subject to the same logical conclusion: despair and absurdity. "Not giving in" to that logical truth is to delude oneself.

With both existentialism and anarchism you cannot logically overcome the idea that if everything is okay then everything is okay. There is no room for approbation of anything. That would include the popular evils of racism or sexism. In the world of existentialism those are nothing more than individual choices and are no worse or better than love or philanthropy.