Schitt turntable anyone?

Hi folks, looking like the new Schitt turntable is nigh upon us. Could this be a giant killer?

If this is under $800 it will tear up the competition methinks.
I'm guessing we'll watch the unipivot arm evolve over the years from a "simplicity is its beauty" design into a complex hybrid multi-pivot damped design, like all the other good unipiviots, lol.
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Seems to me that VPI released a couple of budget "giant killers" that only measured up to "OK."  Marketing is fun to follow, but at some point, marketing will collide with reality.  I hope Shiit succeeds with that DIY budget table.  It will help bring more quality to the hobby and help put more underperforming tables on the used market.
Well to be honest I’m over the Schiit hype machine. If it follows the trend of their other products, it’ll perform like a VPI Scout but get lauded (by some) like it’s a TechDAS at a fraction of the price. And it looks like - well, like the company’s name. The pricing will probably creep towards 1000 as release date approaches. At least they’re not taking peoples’ money yet.

Can it really beat a Rega P3 in performance? I think the Rega looks much, much nicer and has a proven great tonearm.
Making good turntables is HARD. I'll stick with a trusted brand but I do wish the guys luck. I hope its a great business for them.