Seeking informed advice on speaker acquisition (Vandersteen vs. OHM Walsh)

I bought a used pair of Vandersteen 2CEs about 6 months ago. They sound great to my relatively uninformed ears, but I would like to step it up. The Vandys are 25+ years old.
I have two speakers under consideration and would like input from individuals who have heard both. I am considering upgrading the Vandys to the 2CE Signature II model. I am sure the improvements in the last quarter century will greatly enhance my listening experience. The other speaker I am considering is an Ohm Walsh 2000. I have read many rave reviews on the Ohm Walsh and am seeking input from those who have heard both.

I would also like to hear from those who have heard both speakers, but have an alternative in mind. My budget cap is $3000. I prefer to buy a new pair, but I am not opposed to acquiring a used offering in great condition. I am in the Atlanta area if anyone has a used pair for sale.

My room specs are 18 x 15 with 7 foot ceilings.
System:Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II; Merrill Super12 Polytable; Oppo UDP-203; Parks Audio Hybrid Budgie phono
@bstatmeister   You are so right about being spoiled!  I went from 3A Signatures to Treo CTs.  And no, there is no going back.  For me, the smoothness, the clean, undistorted sound is remarkable for speaker in their price range.🎼
@auturos73, I wish a month was the backlog.  I really want to try some of their newer speakers, but I've been waiting quite some time now.  

Very nice guys, but it seems it may take longer than even I expected.

Big soundstage, tons of bass.  I simply wanted to try some of the newer ones.  Trying to be patient.
I have owned speakers at price levels above and below the Vandy Treo Ct's. These speakers with one 2Wq sub are giving me the best sound I ever had in my system. I have never owned Ohm Walsh  speakers, but have heard them and they are fine speakers too, just a different presentation. As tomic601 said, "apples and salmon" comparison. Hard to imagine two completely different sounding loudspeaker systems....IMO

@arturos73 Thanks for the heads up on the idiot-proof warning lights. I had no idea they were there.

@mr_m Are you saying you've never had better sound with the Treos CT's and the 2Wq sub? I'd love to move up to the Treos some day. But between home renovations and wanting to but a boat, it may take a while!


Lots of info sites and manufacturers for acoustic panels and placement.
 If you have the cash any number of places will be happy to sell you their room treatment panels...................I'm a D-I-Y guy and like getting the best bang for the buck, so I built my own. I used 3/4 plywood cut to size for the frames. You can make quite a few frames from a single sheet, so cost per is pretty cheap. Stuffed them with 3" rock wool, although there are other choices at roughly $1 per square foot, again pretty cheap. I wrapped each panel with fabric from Joann's fabric store, but pretty much any fabric will work as long as it's reasonably light weight. I used 100% cotton print that I liked. The fabric was the most expensive part of the equation, but that was simply because I went with something I felt would be attractive in the room. What I used was about $13 a yard and I probably used 25 yards or so, but you can buy something suitable for half that price, less on sale...........Even still, to do a rather extensive room treatment cost me less than $500, a fraction of what we typically spend on gear or even cables and the difference was quite significant and positive. You won't need super hearing to appreciate it and you'll be quite amazed at how much better music you thought you knew well is going to sound. Built frames, cut and stuffed with mineral wool....easy to cut BTW,  stretched the fabric neatly over it, like wrapping a Christmas present and stapled from the back.............Let your wife or significant other choose the fabric if she wishes. That way she's more likely to be receptive to the whole idea and these "boxes" can actually be made quite attractive as well as functional with a little creativity.............Enjoy!!.....What I built, BTW is virtually the same thing that most manufacturers will sell you for significantly more money.........There's no magic to it and it works.