Good carts with SME V

Hi there
What could be the carts that match optimally with a SME V tonearm?
My SME is on a Hanss T30 player.

The match should have a resonance around 10 hz - I believe. Or no lower than 8 hz.

Cart suggestions are appreciated, from users of the SME V especially.

I ask also since maybe "official" resonance measures are way off, compared to user experience. Please include the weight and compliance of your cart suggestion, and if possible, your resonance testing frequency. 

This cartridge has a low compliance. Do you really think the SME V is a good choice for it?
Dear @fsonicsmith :  The VPI tonearm that you used was an unipivot design with not very good stability when your today Reed is a gimball design with very good stability.  Even the " humble " Jelco tonearm outperforms  that VPI design.

Today and vinatge non-unipivot tonearm designs works fine but are the it self cartridge tracking habilities whom defines how good or not pick-up that LP grooves information. The tonearm is part og that tracking " game " but the main responsability comes from the cartridge it self.

As all in audio every single link in the audio system chain is important but there are different levels of importance down there, at the end the tonearm is a slave of the cartridge.

Now, that Shure you mentioned is not a low compliance cartridge and that JICO after market stylus is a good repacement for it, as an after market  is manufactured at a market price point.

Today and vintage MM/MI cartridges are very good performers if you have the knowledge to play with. Does not outperforms top LOMC cartridges but made pretty good quality performance and listening times.

Here you can read about:

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

I agree that the arm / cart combination is very important. Ideally we would be able to listen to several combinations before buyng an expensive cart or arm. We often can’t do that; such is life. So the issue becomes, does the combo behave reasonably good, or "good enough". Here, there is now considerably more leeway, according to the debate I’ve read. New good arms are able to take on a large variety of carts. And vice versa. More products sound fairly good (thanks gods) combined with each other. However, there is still the "optimal" factor that Ralph mentions, important by itself. Although, in my case, I doubt if changing to another arm, from the SME V, would solve my cart problems.

I have a dedicated mono set up and the Audio Technica AT-33 mono is wonderful when attached to a SME V. This cartridge can be tricky, many uni-pivots just can't handle this mono cartridge.