Polite Rules for discussing Audio related things

The polite rules for discussing audio:
Folks post three types of messages:      
Questions ,about audio function, method, what to buy..  
Answers to other folks questions..  
And blogging. I bought this, I did this, here is my experience                        
Allow others to say and describe what they experience and hear.   Allow then to offer reasons without arguing.   If it is a blog, stop telling them what to do! They don't want you arguing, just wanted to say I did this.
Offer POSITIVE responses. If you disagree with them, do so in a polite and friendly way.        
Offer alternatives without aggressive language.And above all, stop tit for tat aggression. Turn the other cheek dudes, turn the other cheek.
What do you think would help create a friendly happy place to discuss audio?
Multiple choice, what’s driving Miss Lizzie bonkers? Hmmmm, something for the shelf....

1. Large Acoustic resonator, the one the size of a grapefruit
2. Ultra Signature Clever Lil Clock
3. Mind Lamp from Psyleron
4. Quantum Temple Bell
5. Autographed photo of Keith Richards
6. 1/32 scale Harley Davidson Sportster
7. Zen and the Art of Debunkery
8. None of the above

Nice try, Lizzie. Actually the reason the sky is blue has nothing to do with water vapor. Blue light is scattered in all directions when sunlight strikes the tiny molecules of air, mostly oxygen and nitrogen, in the Earth’s atmosphere. That’s called Rayleigh scattering. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it’s wavelength is shorter. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.