What do people place on their platter for dust protection

Just wanted to hit everyone up for some responses. I'm tired of worrying about taking my pristine VM cleaned vinyl on a platter thats been idle for a week. I have a TT in which a dustcover woukd be inpractable. I hadnt googled for it yet. I just wanted to ask here. Plus I'm recovering from surgery and have some extra time.
Harry Pearson (Founder - The Abso!ute Sound) also mentioned the hazards of negative ions...
Just to cut to the chase a little bit radio frequency noise is not (rpt not) negative ions. It’s not any kind of ions. It’s photons, like anything else in the electromagnetic spectrum. All radio frequencies, colors, x rays, Gamma rays, things of that nature, are photons.
Harry Pearson (Founder - The Abso!ute Sound) also mentioned the hazards of negative ions...

>>>>Really? Got a link? Quote? Anything?
Just a good memory -article from the 1990's (HP specifically mentioned the "O2" emissions linked to cancer.).
That was probably an ozone scare. Hope it’s not (rpt not) O2 that’s the problem. 😛 Here’s an update from NIH,

oxicol Sci. 1999 Dec;52(2):162-7.
Ozone carcinogenesis revisited.

Witschi H1, Espiritu I, Pinkerton KE, Murphy K, Maronpot RR.
Author information
The question was asked whether ozone would act as a lung carcinogen in mice. To test the hypothesis, female strain A/J mice were exposed for 6 h/day, 5 days/week to 0.12 ppm, 0.5 ppm, or 1.0 ppm of ozone; control animals were kept in filtered air. No ozone-related deaths were observed at any time during the experiment. After 5 months, one-third of the animals were killed. The remaining animals were split into two groups: exposure to ozone continued for one group, whereas the other group was transferred into filtered air. Four months later, these animals were killed. No significant increase in lung tumor multiplicity (average number of tumors per lung) or lung tumor incidence (percentage of tumor-bearing animals) was found in the animals exposed to ozone when compared to animals kept in filtered air, regardless of ozone concentration. Morphometric analysis of lungs of animals exposed to the highest ozone concentration (1.0 ppm) showed a small, statistically not significant increase in centriacinar lesions. It was concluded that ozone is not a lung carcinogen in strain A/J mice at those exposure levels. Moreover, this mouse strain appears to be particularly resistant towards chronic ozone toxicity.