Sound from my turntable is veiled (like behind a curtain)

Hi everyone, my first post here.

I want to improve the sound of my turntable (Technics SL-1200 MK2, with Ortofon MC1 Turbo). My guess is that I need a better phono stage for it, right now I use the phono input of an old Toshiba SY-C15 pre-amp (, connected to my Hegel H100 integrated amp. It is mainly the voice that sounds veiled (excuse my French, I am not sure if I use the right word). When I compare a same song from a digital source, through my DAC (Hegel HD-20), the voice and other high pitch sound are not present when played from the phono. I noticed this problem lately, when I changed my Rega Naos speakers for Amphion Argon 7LS.

What would be a good phono stage for this setup, and would this makes my analog source sounds better than the digital, as I expect it. I have a budget of around $1500 for this, used is fine.

Thank you!
You called it. It’s your phono preamp. The good news is that any quality phono preamp should kick your sound quality up by a substantial margin and put a grin on your face.

The usual suspects are Rega Aria, Lehmann Black Cube SE, Musical Surroundings Nova, Lejonklou, Gram Slee, etc. The new Parasound JC3 junior looks especially interesting, but I have not heard it.

Any of them should be like Salome and remove 1000 veils. Skip the head of John the Baptist however.
Clean the stylus using a piece of Magic Eraser. Check the alignment and tracking force. Remember that LP's can vary widely in sound quality - from absymal to sublime!
The Toshiba should offer very good sound. No need to be ashamed for using it! Leave it on 24/7 (as you should for any SS equipment). Japanese equipment from the late 70's - mid 80's achieved a high level of SQ!