Polite Rules for discussing Audio related things

The polite rules for discussing audio:
Folks post three types of messages:      
Questions ,about audio function, method, what to buy..  
Answers to other folks questions..  
And blogging. I bought this, I did this, here is my experience                        
Allow others to say and describe what they experience and hear.   Allow then to offer reasons without arguing.   If it is a blog, stop telling them what to do! They don't want you arguing, just wanted to say I did this.
Offer POSITIVE responses. If you disagree with them, do so in a polite and friendly way.        
Offer alternatives without aggressive language.And above all, stop tit for tat aggression. Turn the other cheek dudes, turn the other cheek.
What do you think would help create a friendly happy place to discuss audio?
Found 6 results (not counting today)

Ask not for whom the troll bellows
May 02, 2017
Ask not for whom the troll bellows. He b...
Jan 05, 2018
to stalker. This is a fine how do you do. Ask not for whom the troll b...
Jun 05, 2018
>“Ask not for whom the troll bellows. He Aug 03, 2018
...it’s a duck! 🦆“Ask not for whom the troll bellows.... He
May 17, 2018
not for whom the troll bellows." Old audiophile
Sep 22, 2017

We all know the forum is free for all. Yet, participating on it is occasionally considered stalking. I am far from being obsessed with geoffkait. Just merely thanking him for a suggestion about a cake.
That's nice but remember, I'd have absolutely no reason to "Troll' your old posts. The line I used is an offshoot of one that I originated in Junior High circa 1965.

It looks like you're over 50 years late.

Perhaps, considering the nature of trolling and not trolling in this thread, when I wrote the occasional article for AudioExpress and before that Glass Audio, the old Ed Dell publications, it was considered good form to welcome newcomers. They're the future of the hobby after all.

Here we get quotes like:

This has become the whining newbies vs the Audio Insider.

There's a current thread about how things are not selling on this website, partly due to the graying and shrinking membership, and partly due to the snooty attitude of some members both in postings and listings.

There's a  connection between how we view newcomers and how they react to us. Speaking as a newcomer, people notice that sort of thing.

Do we want to encourage the newcomers or are we altogether too good for that?


This is about the moment you'd better stop responding. Otherwise, you get sucked into purposeless arguments and end up wondering what is wrong with all of us. Maybe try a different thread or take a walk outside? I promise you, you will lose nothing.
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