Wilson Audio Sabrina . . . I'm smitten. Should I consider others?

Went on a small audition trek last week and heard the following:

Tekton Double Impact SE (I was curious based on the posts/comments)
Magico S1 MKII
Magico S3 MKII
Devore Fidelity Orangutan 0/96
Wilson Audio Sabrina

The Wilson Sabrinas were not initially on my list, but when I stumbled across them while searching for Focal Sopra 2s, I couldn't resist.  The Sabrinas were very impressive.  In fact, after hearing the Magico S1 and S3, I went back to hear the Sabrinas a second time to confirm what I had heard.  They were initially driven by the ARC Ref6 preamp and the new ARC $30K monoblocks, but the second trip I asked if they could be driven by more economical equipment, so they used the LS28 and VT80.  The source was the dCS Rossini both times.  Because there was no A/B comparison of equipment, I really didn't notice any drop off in performance.  

The Sabrina's price point is my upper end, but I'd like to achieve a no stone unturned level of search/comfort before I pull the trigger.  Most brands are not easily accessible in Kansas City, but I'm willing to make the effort if justified.  Are there any other loudspeakers I should consider in this range?  I listen mostly to older rock, blues, jazz, and female vocals  Streaming with something like an  Aurender A10 will be my primary source.  My goal is to decide on the loudspeakers for this system, and work backwards into the components.  That'll be a future question.  Appreciate your time and help.

I think I may already know the answer, but I will audition Vandersteen Quattro CTs and Jospeh Audio Perspectives early this week. I’d like to hear Focal Sopra 2s and I wish I’d had a better audition of DeVore 0/96s. The Sabrinas just do everything I want in a way that appeals to me. 

I’m looking forward to your view of the JA Perspective speakers. I believe I’ll be ordering a pair soon after an extensive bunch of speaker auditioning. But then, they fit the criteria I’m juggling, one of which is to downsize from a larger speaker due to my listening space. The Perspectives are designed to sound bigger than they look, especially in terms of bass, but I still doubt they will upend your desire for the Sabrinas, given you seem pretty smitten. (And I’d think the Sabrinas by sound more authoritatively larger).

The main thing that grabs me about the Joseph Audio sound is the purity of tone, the utter lack of any grain or electronic haze. Instrumental tone and timbre just seems to come through like looking at colorful pebbles and flora through a perfectly clean stream. If something like that grabs me, I find it hard to give it up.
The Devore O/96 requires a fairly large listening space and the ability to sit a reasonable distance from the speakers. They do fine along the long wall of my16 by 21 room about 9 feet from my seat, but they sounded even better in the dealer's room, which was twice the size. Obviously speakers are a very personal experience, as evidence by some of the reactions in this thread to the Devore. I've owned about 20 brands of speakers and the O/96 is by far my favorite.
Thanks for the info kcpellethead, 

I'm hoping to get up that way before the baseball season is over and to check out an audio store or three.