Schitt turntable anyone?

Hi folks, looking like the new Schitt turntable is nigh upon us. Could this be a giant killer?

If this is under $800 it will tear up the competition methinks.
The carbon fiber tonearms I’ve used require high compliance phono cartridges. 
New Schitt turntable information!

Also not gonna have vibration dampeners on the feet out of the box. You'll have to buy, I kid you not "Schitt Floaters"
Moffat looks like he was dying to scratch his balls. That seems to be pretty much a metaphor for the Company and it's products. That is not necessarily bad. We [men] all scratch our balls now and then. But not in polite company. So in all seriousness, the quality of a turntable depends upon the engineering of the main bearing, motor, tonearm, and isolation of each of the three from each other. I see little that in encouraging in that regard.