Pros and cons of leaving your DAC on 24/7

I hate waiting for equipment to warm up. But I don't want to kill a components lifespan by leaving it on, if that's a danger. My Musical Fidelity V90 DAC takes a little while to sound its best. I think most DACs do.  I leave it on 24/7. Anyone have a problem doing the same? 
I do hate the wasted energy that is caused by leaving my equipment on. But as I stated in my OP, waiting for components to warm up is a problem for me. Some nights I may only have an hour or two where I can listen to music after work. Losing part of that time to warm up isn't ideal. I feel like the tiny wall wart power supply my DAC came with can't burn much juice. However, like many of you, I see a wall wart driving any of my audio gear and I'm immediately looking for a better PS solution. A linear PS will consume much more energy. So I will have to revisit the "always on" idea when I find a PS for the DAC. I have added several other components lately as well.  The consumption of energy used by leaving these things on 24/7 when I only listen to the system a few hours a day on average is becoming a more lopsided equation. 
Retire. Then you can listen all day long, every day like I do!  Before I retired, when I went to work,  I left my stereo on playing music for my pets!
I also have a MF V90 DAC. I used to turn it off when not listening. Lately, I just leave it on, it doesn't take much power to run and I think the in-rush current when switching it on probably does more harm than leaving it on, just my opinion.

How do you like the DAC? I've recently upgraded some of my other components and am wondering about an upgrade to the V90 DAC. I have another system with a Lavry DA10 Black DAC that sounds incredible but it has a much higher price tag. Any thoughts?


HaHa, thinking  gear provides enough heat in winter that you won't have to use homes heater as much, lol! Stereo gear doesn't  provide enough heat to benefit from it, and even if it did it would be like turning on your stove because you want to save electricity. 

My Parasound and Marantz SS gear get turned on as needed… The Parasound amp has a soft start plus I  don't own stock in the electric company.