Help with interconnects?

I have now completed my first hi end audio system. I have a rather complex system, as there are many components. I don't trust that I have my interconnects connected between components in the best way possible. Does anyone know, or know someone, who can advise me on best way to connect these components for best results? Honestly, it is a bit of a maze to me. Thank you
Not quite sure what you really mean here?
I mean if you have good sound from all of your components then you must have them connected correctly, in a sense.
It is possible you could have some out of phase ( left going to right and vice versa) but that should be obvious to the ear?
I admit I have a lot of components connected and no matter how neatly I try to run all the cables it still ends up looking rather like a rats nest.
What you really want to try and avoid is running interconnects directly over power cords, again easier said than done at times, this could be especially crucial with analog sources like a turntable.
Just look it over and take your time doing one source at a time verifying phase to phase and location and security of the connection.

Or do you mean, should you be using xlr instead of rca or digital instead of analog interconnects if your sources have these options?
Unless you are having audible problems, I would not obsess about getting the cables lined up to perfection. Most cables take care of those problems by the way they are designed.  It is true having powercords parallel and in close proximity is not good. I solve that to some extent by using zip ties to keep the power cords away from the IC. leaving the interconnects free to wander anywhere.. Where they come close to each other I use water pipe foam cut to short lengths and slipped between the two types of wires. Even one on each, plus a section between, taping the 2 or 3 foam bits together to hold the arrangement. Audio cables can touch and be near each other no problem. Just keep them away (at least a few inches, in general) from powercords. or at right angles to the powercord line. One way would be to add a thin board, or heavy stiff screen, and zip tie the powercords to it behind the rack or a thin board with lots of holes to tie the powercords to it, away from the IC. No need to do the same to the IC at all. Good luck.
You cannot add a picture direct to a post but you can add a link to say a google drop box for example or a youtube video of your gear
Hope that helps