Would You Pay $9.95 For Satillite Radio

According to a recent Stereophile article,( see web site ) satillite radio is getting ready to launch a media blitz costing 100 MM to tout their new $9.95 per month commercial free service. Do you think this thing will fly ? More importantly, would you spend your beer money for it ?
I'd have to listen to the content and judge the audio quality before I'd sign a long-term contract. I currently get DMX as part of my digital cable package, and I'm not impressed with it. Of the 40+ channels of music it offers, maybe 5 interest me (most of it is crap). The one aspect of digital satellite broadcasting that may be a boon, however, is the car reception. One of the satellite broadcasting companies that is getting started in the Seattle area will have a system that allows you to receive broadcasts in your car and home, which may make it worthwhile. I'm not going to rush out and plunk down a lot of money, however, until it's proven. I've waited a long time for satellite digital TV to come down in price and offer the choices I wanted (such as local stations), and I'm quite content to wait a couple of years to see how digital radio performs.
I have Dish Network and truly love the audio channels. Except for occasional talk radio, I don't ever use my analog tuner. There have been times (pre-Tivo) that I thought about getting rid of my Dish Network due to a lack of viewing time in the summer. What kept me from getting rid of Dish was the great(commercial free)music available all summer long for the patio or in the garage via the remote speakers. Currently I have to record the music to listen to it in my car. I would consider the digital channels for my car if the programming was as good as my Dish Network audio. Coincidentally, the new PVR box digital out to my Pass Labs D1 has very good sound in the remote locations. In the main room, its short-comings are more noticeable. It is the quality of a mid grade CD player. Of course it is important to remember it is going through a $6000(list price)D/A converter. Best Regards, Aaron
I have to check in with a "NO" vote. I pay $20.95/month + $5(additional tv) for my DishNetwork satellite feed. I opt not to pay the additional $10/month for the additional channels, which include the music. To me, it is not worth it. Between my satellite, cell phone, and internet services, I feel I am paying for too many things already. As long as there are free radio feeds that I enjoy(lucky to have WXPN, WRTI, and the like in Philadelphia), I cannot see paying for radio. When I am in my car or kitchen, I am perfectly happy to listen to the radio. I view listening in those environs as secondary to another activity. My serious listening is done on my "real" system. I look at that as an ACTIVE process. Choosing, listening, etc. are not passive activities to me. I choose music to fit my exact mood. That often includes not only the style of music, but the artist. Sometimes, I will repeat the same song(or songs), over and over. As it is today, I prefer to go out and BUY a CD that I own, and can listen to at my discretion.