Does hearing the best in high end audio make your opinions more valid?

I say yes. Some say no. What are your thoughts?
"Does hearing the best in high end audio make your opinions more valid"?

Opinions to the extent you can or should influence the opinions of others: My sense is, no. I have listened to numerous high-end systems in a group setting and recognize that perspective/opinions varied.

To the extent that you form a personal opinion of what is possible and what you personally find exhilarating, definitely. 

So, it seems to me, the benefit is very personal, but; doesn't make you an expert. A similar correlation exists with Art collectors. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
I think listening to a variety of things and understanding what bring you pleasure is important.

I’m not really interested in what others may claim is best.



I agree with E. "I think listening to a variety of things and understanding what brings you pleasure is important." There is no such animal as the best in Audio, only preferences! 
Hearing the beauty in a system is only there if you hear it and doesn't matter what anyone else's opinion is or what they have heard, if you like it you know it , kind of the definition of porn is, I know it when I see it. We all need to trust our ears, after all they are our ears and not someone elses and we all have different criteria we are aiming for. Just sayin.
Unfortunately, the old audiophile axiom is mostly true, that our IDEAL of great sound, I.e., the sound we tend to strive for, is only as good as the best system we’ve ever heard. That right there explains a lot.