Would You Pay $9.95 For Satillite Radio

According to a recent Stereophile article,( see web site ) satillite radio is getting ready to launch a media blitz costing 100 MM to tout their new $9.95 per month commercial free service. Do you think this thing will fly ? More importantly, would you spend your beer money for it ?
Most definite. I always have my Direct TV's music channels on. No commercials and whatever type of mood I'm in is the type of music I listen to.
When I first heard about these services I thought for sure that I was going to be an early adopter. For several years now I have had DMX directly from their satillite with 110 channels. About 10 of their channels interest me and I listen to it regularly but primarily as background. I looked more closely at the listings for the new satillite services and they don't have the classical music coverage of DMX (four channels)that would drive an additional purchase. I pay about $15 per month for DMX direct.

I use my auto time to listen to historic performances of classical music where sound quality hardly matters or to preview unusual music before dedicating my unfortunately scarce time in front of my main system.

So on a closer look, I likely won't get the service until I buy a new car where the service comes as a package.
Yes I would/will. Remember guys we are not talking about something that competes with DMX or your home cable. This is a mobile system for cars. No more vast waste land while driving cross country.
here's a timely note. BMW, north america will be installing serius radios in select 2002 models. see: http://www.radiohorizon.com/index.php3?fcn=displayarticle&id=2086
