Help with interconnects?

I have now completed my first hi end audio system. I have a rather complex system, as there are many components. I don't trust that I have my interconnects connected between components in the best way possible. Does anyone know, or know someone, who can advise me on best way to connect these components for best results? Honestly, it is a bit of a maze to me. Thank you
Yes you can utilize all the various outputs at the same time, no problem. So say you have a SPDIF and a Toslink out, Yes you can use both to different things. A XLR and RCA pairs? Yes both can be used. Mix them no problem.
Okay. Man, this is difficult to figure out for a newbie like me...a maze of inputs, outputs and interconnects!
Don’t let the interconnect wiring freak you out. Only the truly OCD-challenged folks tend to dressing their cables in a tidy bunch. 
Good point. Although, there seems to be a consensus that power cables can interfere with interconnects. But, my problem is just figuring out the best way to connect all my components for best performance and SQ