Display case for cartridges

Howdy folks-

I have 7 nice cartridges I'd like to get a display case for. I purchased a bunch of cheap Technics plastic overhang gauges to mount them on. I figure I'll get a piece of wood, glue the over hang gauges to it and place it in a display case. What is everyone else using???
How about these?
@knollbrent      "  your comment isn't even worth entertaining."

this is a forum.....you have to expect little comments from members from time to time.           seems that you get all bent out of shape a little to easily.      
@toyo18 U must enlighten us! How do you store your carts? Do you have any? What carts do you have if any?  Do you trash them by storing them in old sneaker boxes or do you take deep pride in your system and it's components like most audiophiles do? Do you have a stereo or just like to troll Audiogon wasting peoples time with useless comments? 

Please do tell us. How do handle useless comments like yours? Do you ignore them like I usually do or with a quick reply?

Why would you say I'm bent out of shape? Have you seen me? Does my spine look crooked to you? Going on 50, I'm in excellent shape just like my stereo system and it's parts.