Your last concert was to see who and when?

Pretty simple, what and when was your last concert?
Why has it been 45 years since your last concert? Don't you enjoy live music?
I can’t answer for djones51 but I agree with tonykay above, I just have not been motivated to see many live rock shows. I find the prices almost insultingly high, more so than opera tickets in many cases. The parking, unruly crowds, deafening sound levels (I have hearing loss, in part, due to rock shows) have just made it not worth it to me.

Dylan is coming to town, thought I might bite on that one, but decent seats are $150 and up. No thanks.

Having said all that there is a young British band called The Struts that are a throwback to British glam rock. Maybe a little heavy at times but really mostly pop. They open frequently for the Foo Fighters. Even in stadiums. They have developed a reputation for putting on a good show, their freshman CD is very good and very catchy. So when I heard they were coming to Asheville to small local venue (1000 seat max) I bought tickets. $20 general admission. This will be the first rock show I’ve been to since Black Crows/Robert Plant in 1990.

It is on a Wednesday night. There may not be anyone there. I did not buy the $90 VIP pass to meet the band. I’ll hate myself if they get huge. As if. I’m worried my wife and I will be the oldest people there (55). I have no idea what to expect. I will be the one wearing ear plugs.
I hate the crowds, always had a touch of claustropohbia. I forgot about an outdoor concert I attended with some friends about 10 years ago probably because I don't remember what small groups  were playing, my wife just told me one was called Small Potatoes? 
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I stay away from the big bands at big venues, because they are the most expensive. I seek out interesting bands at medium to small venues. Sound and sight is much better anyway. And yes, ear plugs are a wise idea as we get older.