Tekton Double Impacts vs the competition....

So I recently have been on a pursuit of better speakers ...I know its all relative to each individual listener . I am a professional musician and am seeking some powerful depth and clarity for my cavernous living room which will be addressed and treated. 30x11x10 pitched ceiling. 

I am polling the Tekton Double Impact owners they're opinions on living with these seemingly beast like cool speakers....after auditioning Harbeth and various others, I remain in a state of inquisitive, insatiable limbo and am ready to forge into some new sound arena....many of these high end speakers just aren't available to demo . What can handle high volume and still hold the presence and clarity / bottom? 

my tastes : Prince, all 70's jazz fusion such as Billy Cobham, Return to Forever, Lee Ritenour, Led Zeppelin, Kiss , Miles, Coltrane, Steely Dan , Toto, Jellyfish, Plini, David Maxim Micic , overall its melodic rock / jazz that needs to be sometimes cranked to very high levels especially on "bro night" 

Marantz PM-11S1
Sony STR V7
SVS SB1000 Sub

Thank you all ! 
I know its silly , but I didn’t know anything about Tekton when I started this hunt for "higher end speakers" . I started heading down the familiar paths , Klipsch etc... a sound engineer friend who I trust implicitly told me Harbeth speakers are the best speaker he’s ever heard hands down, so I demo’d the SHL5+ and honestly they sounded great but didn’t hear $7K.
I always am a little leary of brands I’ve never heard of ...Tekton had a tremendous amount of positive feedback and a few naysayers..we’ll see!
@tommypenngotti  Congratulations on making a choice and the choice you made. Wishing you a Happy Beginning also!!!

What color/finish did you get? 
I think they are just standard black....no gloss ...thanks! can't wait! These things are gigantic....I was thinking of putting them out from wall a bit & listening field is approx 6-7 feet or I'll have to re-arrange & sit back further different angle ...


Two small but significant tweaks that many of us have made are to 1) baffle the back two ports with some kind of acoustic material and 2) insert Herbies Glider Feet that cushion the boxes movement.

For the first, I have constructed a 16" X 32" custom baffle that is affixed to the wooden stand on which my DIs sit. This will lightly soften bass volume while, significantly, increasing its accuracy and presence. ONCE the baffles are in place, the speaker can be placed as close to the wall as you like. Mine are about 18" from a treated wall.

For the second, go to http://herbiesaudiolab.net/spkrfeet.htm and check out the Threaded Stud glider. It will not only help bass accuracy, but will, surprisingly, improve soundstage quite a bit. Eight of them run about $130 and are well worth the price.

There are plenty of variants and don't think you need to do this right away -- you might find adjustments in your room that are even better.

+1 on @craigl59 's excellent advice.

The sweet spot increases (considerably) in both planes (width and height) as you move from the 'very' near-field to sitting further back.