The Magnificent Magnepan 30.7 speakers....wait, I don’t like planars!

Wendell Diller from Magnepan has been a very busy gentleman recently. Touring throughout the US, he has visited, or will visit, numerous locations to demo the new Magnepan 30.7 speakers. It takes a lot of determination and commitment to drive through the country and then to set up in the small towns and large metropolises, a speaker the size of the new 30.7.
Last night I had the very good fortune of hearing the 30.7’s for the first a local high end store demo. Also, I had the pleasure of talking to Wendell and his wife about his voyage...and why he does it.
But first, the Magnepan 30.7’s are...IMHO, at the very top of a long list of planar speakers that have been brought to my attention. Having owned Maggie’s in the past along with Quads and Acoustat’s, my interest level in this type of speaker was not in any way high. Yet, here’s the thing, these new Maggie’s are not your father’s Maggie’s. Instead, we have a speaker that given the right size room ( and unfortunately this is the real determining factor...and crucial to make these work) is very near to the top of the chain in current SOTA speakers. Easily able to compete with competitors at the $100k level or above! Yet these guys are priced at $30k....which makes them by far the best $30k speakers on the planet, imho.
Anyone looking to replace a speaker with a max budget of $50k...and with the room to accommodate this speaker, needs to hear this speaker..
Unlike planars of the past, and most if not all others that are current, this model does one thing that Planars have never done before, at least that I have heard. That thing is Dynamics...and in spades. Bass control and power is on a par with some of the best large dynamic speakers on the market...along with NO discontinuity between the drivers. ( as was prevalent in the past with Maggie’s).
So, how many times have we gone into a demo with preconceived impressions based on past experience and been proven wrong....this time for me was one of those times...and for you, I suspect it will be the same thing.
If and when Wendell brings his van and his speakers to your neck of the woods, don’t miss out on a great opportunity to hear one of the worlds best a price that will put most others to shame.

I attended the Atlanta 30.7 demo. Thanks Wendell and HiFi Buys for hosting the event. Auditioning anywhere that’s not my room with my music at my dB level is tough. However the drive sources could not be bettered which were Dan Dagastino pre and monos. With that said the 30’s are better than the 20.7’s I own. I like to demo Aaron Copland’s fanfare for the common man. I have the telarc Atlanta symphony version which this demo was not but it was a pleasure. Bass is much more pronounced while still that fast, tight planer sound. In fact everything is just more than the 20.7. I must say the setup was not done for sweet spot listening. Wendell wanted us to walk around a lot. I appreciate that method but for a serious buyer it’s not ideal, so think these could sound even better. They are not that much wider than the 20’s maybe half again for the twin panels. I Also must say I am used to ‘the wall’ of sound Maggie’s make. So for me I was not blown away (first time listener might well be though) but I was not blown away by the vanderstien 7 mk2 which these temporarily took their place. And those are very well thought of speakers. The 30’s are really good though. I can only attribute both setups to not my own specific room and sweet spot. First world problems for sure but a privilege non the less.

i agree that the new 30.7’s are an upgrade over the 20.7’s that I have heard...and IMO, they are a significant upgrade over all other Maggie’s.
What you mentioned about the bass is the one thing that struck me more forceably than the other areas of this is now quite integrated and strong enough to not really need a separate sub. That to me is quite an achievement with these speakers.
If one has the room, and the upstream gear, then as I said before, they should definitely be on one’s short list.
I agree on the short list. The illusion of a life size stage is what makes Magnepan special. These bring you that much closer to the real thing.
I heard this today at the House of Stereo in Jacksonville, FL.  I believe the hype of the 30.7's.  I was not expecting much expectation wise, including it cost $30k for the set.  But my god it hit all of my checkboxes:  No Digitalits, amazing mid-range and low-end response.  Great smooth highs (which I think is due to the store was using a BAT Pre-Amp) and the soundstage doesn't go wonky when you move around the store (which what Wendell Diller been recommending during the meet).  He did say during the meeting that he set up the speakers in the big room of the store so it will sound good wherever you are located in the room.  He stated he could adjust the speakers to provide even more position to the sweet spot.  Honestly for what they were the soundstaging was nice as it is.  I will never afford the 30.7s, but my god if I had a huge room and a nice equipment that works well with the 30.7s, then this would be my end game.  

At the demo that I attended, Wendell was nice enough to let us play with the set-up. We first listened to his set-up, which was very good, and then we experimented a little, pushed the speakers a little back to the rear wall and then changed the toe-in a little...making sure that everything was aligned correctly. The differences were easy to hear, and we were able to get the imaging so that it was pin point accurate. I agree with your post above ...huge room, great ancillary gear, and these could well be one's end game. Compared to a lot of other far more pricey speakers, they really do hold their amazing accomplishment from a speaker manufacturer who obviously knows a thing or two about great sound.

The more I think about Wendell's comment to me...wherein he stated and I quote: " we don't make speakers for wealthy people, nor are we interested in making speakers just for the wealthy"...the more I respect his position.