PrimaLuna amp good match for Thiel CS 2.3?

Thinking about pairing PrimaLuna with Thiel CS 2.3s, with these speakers assume I’d benefit greatly from amps on the high end of PL’s wpc range, and looking to purchase on the used market in the $2000-3000 range, so considering ProLogue 7s up to DiaLogue Premium HP.  Any watch-outs or recommendations?  Rogue or CJ also possibilities.....

Here's what I am using right now -

I am not using the preamp, to my ear, using the HTR bypass and the volume control on my DAC sounds better.  Like I mentioned, I love the sound of tubes and am trying to figure out the best way to integrate them into my system at a reasonable price point ($2-3000, used is fine).  Ultimately, the goal is to reduce harshness in the highs and give more body to the mids.  If there's a ss amp out there that would help achieve this I am all ears.  Suggestions?

^As the link suggests, not the best match for the Thiel 2.3's. Many of Krell's separate power amps would be a much better match. If you want to add tubes, I suggest doing it upstream from the amp.

In terms of an amp, assume this would perform much better with the Thiels?

Assume the CAV-150 would be even better, as it is 6 x 150 with bridging ability? 
(((Surprisingly, a Rogue Atlas Magnum II was not in the same ballpark)))

 That's cause you would of had to open it up and install the output to the 4-ohm taps to get it close to working well.

 I agree that Thiels are better off with Solid state electronic amps.
 If you enjoy Phase and time, correct speakers, like Thiels you may also wish to include Vandersteen 2 and 3 series ,Treo's.and Quatros
 to your list as these have a much easier impdence load on an amp and work great with Tube amps and solid state.